《My Secret Boyfriend》65


(y/n) ate breakfast quickly as she was eager to get down to the Quidditch pitch. it was the first game of the school year and she had been excited to see her siblings play.

Ron picked at his food which immediately alerted (y/n). "what's up?" she asked.

"just nervous. i should have resigned." Ron shook his head.

"you'll be okay, Ron. you've improved greatly." Harry said.

"yeah, right." Ron huffed.

(y/n) and Harry glanced at each other. Hermione came walking up quickly, stopping and opening her mouth to speak but instead letting out a gasp at what she saw Harry doing.

"what did you just do to that drink?" Hermione asked heatedly.

"what? nothing." Harry said, handing the juice over to Ron.

"don't drink that, Ron!" Hermione scolded. Ron looked in disbelief at Harry and (y/n), but quickly downed the liquid.

"you could be expelled for that." Hermione said.

"dunno what you're talking about." (y/n) spoke up.

Harry grinned at her. "c'mon, Harry. we've got a game to win." Ron and Harry clapped hands as they walked out of the Great Hall.

"unbelievable." Hermione glared at (y/n), who shrugged in response.

she quickly got up and followed after her brother and Harry. just as she was exiting the entrance hall someone grabbed her arm.

"what the? what the bloody hell did you do that for?" she asked Draco who was standing in the corner.

"i called out of the match. said i was sick." he told her.

"are you ill?" she asked, pressing a hand to his forehead and cheek.

"i- i don't know." he stammered, pulling her into a tight hug. she held him softly as buried his face into her shoulder.

"i think i'm just going to go lie down in the common room for a bit." Draco said, pressing a kiss to her cheek and walking away.


she watched him walk away in confusion, but decided to go down to the game. just as she sat down Ginny had the Quaffle and scored a goal.

"yes!" she cheered on.


Gryffindor had won and Ron was very pleased with himself as the Gryffindors partied in the common room.

"Weasley! Weasley! Weasley!" they all chanted.

"Ron looks pleased with himself." (y/n) joked to Harry and Hermione.

"only because of that stupid potion." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"this potion?" Harry asked, pulling out the full bottle of Liquid Luck.

Hermione's jaw dropped as (y/n) smirked.

"i wouldn't do that, Hermione. i would just let him believe i did." Harry said.

when (y/n) looked back over at her twin he was snogging down Lavender Brown. she immediately felt her face twist in disgust as Ginny popped up.

"finally a first kiss. looks like he's eating her face, huh?" Ginny smirked.

Harry laughed at Ginny and (y/n) looked knowingly at Harry.

Hermione ran out of the portrait hole and into the corridors. "we'll talk later." she told Harry and ran after Hermione.

"'Mione!" she called after her. sobs were heard in the abandoned classroom nearby.

she quietly sat next to the brunette. Hermione immediately latched herself onto (y/n)'s arm and began sobbing into her shoulder. Harry quietly entered the room.

he sat next to Hermione, wrapping his arm around the two girls. Harry and (y/n) shared a sad look as Hermione clutched onto both of them.

"i'm sorry." she sniffled, lifting her head.

"don't be. i understand." the ginger sadly smiled at the brunette.

giggles were heard as the door flew open.

"guess this one is taken." Lavender said awkwardly and walked away.

Hermione glared at Ron before the yellow birds above her head began attacking him.

"ow!" Ron yelped, running out of the room.

(y/n) couldn't help but laugh a bit with Hermione.

"i'm sorry he's a blind arsehole." she apologized.

"yeah, Ron isn't the brightest." Harry joked.

"that's for sure." Hermione giggled.

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