《My Secret Boyfriend》63


(y/n) woke up next morning with her head pounding and eyes fuzzy.

"what happened?" she asked Hermione.

"you got bloody drunk, you fool!" Hermione scolded. (y/n) rolled her eyes.

"did i do anything stupid?" she asked.

"oh i don't know. does wandering down to the Slytherin dungeons sound stupid?" Hermione said.

"i- huh?" (y/n) asked; dumbfounded at what her drunk self would do.

"so how did i get back in bed?" she asked.

"you stomped in yourself, nearly woke us up." Hermione said.

"hm." the redhead hummed in reply, rubbing her eye as she let out a yawn.

"it's so irresponsible. i just cannot believe-"

"Hermione, you know i love you but i do not want to hear about how i make poor decisions. i know i fucked up but frankly i do not care." (y/n) interrupted.

Hermione let out a huff.


(y/n) walked into the Great Hall with her eye bags protruding on her face, her bright hair messy as she sat down and began eating breakfast.

"how are you feeling?" Ron asked.

"okay." (y/n) replied.

"good. you scared Harry and i last night when you wandered off."

"sorry bout that, but i'm a big girl. i can handle myself."

"apparently not because Malfoy and Zabini had to carry you back up here." Ron rolled his eyes.

"shut up and stop acting like mum. i don't wanna hear it." (y/n) snapped.

she looked over to see Draco sitting a couple feet away from his friends. he looked distraught and like something was on his mind.

"you should talk to him, ya know. or at least break up or something. it's getting a bit toxic." Ginny said suddenly.

(y/n) looked at her younger sister in shock at the suggestion. surely her and Draco weren't going to break up.... right?



that night (y/n) sat up at the Astronomy tower, letting her feet dangle off the structure as she rested her chin on the cold railing.

she watched the stars in awe, drowning out her feelings as she tried to calm herself. her anxiety was so bad she felt like she was going to be sick.

getting lost in her own mind she didn't notice something sitting next to her.

"i'm sorry." Draco mumbled. his eyes roamed over her face, noticing the dry tear streaks on her cheeks.

"for what now?" (y/n) asked, not glancing at the blond.

"for everything. you deserve someone better, and i'm sorry for being a terrible boyfriend."

Draco said.

Draco stared at her waiting for a response. his heart was thumping in his chest and he felt a lump in his throat.

she turned her head, grabbing his jaw and placing her lips on his. he immediately grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to him, allowing them to be touching fully.

the kiss was hot as their tongues fought for dominance. Draco's hands were tangled in her hair as she laid on top of him. he missed this- he missed her.

(y/n) felt his breath on her face as Draco laid on the cold floor. they slowly pulled away, staring into each other's eyes.

"if you ever call me or my family blood traitors again, i'll fucking end you." she said.

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