《My Secret Boyfriend》62


the redhead sat next to Neville in the Great Hall, listening as he rambled on about his new plant.

"fighting with Malfoy again?" Ron interrupted, sitting next to his twin.

"Ronald! Neville was talking." (y/n) scolded, watching as Neville turned scarlet.

"it's not important." Neville softly said.

"sorry, Neville. but what's got Malfoy sitting like a lost puppy over there?" Ron questioned, cocking an eyebrow.

"you go ask him. surely you're more interested than i am." (y/n) rolled her eyes, glancing at Draco to see him sitting with his chin in his hand, glaring at the back of Neville's head.

"also, have you noticed that Lavender girl has been staring at me? it's starting to creep me out." Ron shuddered, hiding slightly behind his twin as Lavender was staring at him in awe.

"she has a crush on you, Ron. about time, i was starting to think no one would love you. except Hermione." she mumbled the last part.

Ron pinched her arm. "shut it."

"ow!" she slapped his shoulder.



"what?" Ron asked, his jaw dropped.

Neville blushed deeper.


"(y/n) some seventh years just randomly gave us some firewhiskey.. wanna play some games?" Harry asked as she came walking into the common room.

"oh, uh, sure." she nodded, sitting between Harry and Ron.

"you shouldn't be underage drinking. it's illegal!" Hermione scolded.

"Ron, you're a prefect. this is so irresponsible." she went on.

"shush, Hermione. it's just a bit of fun, no one is going to get drunk." Ron rolled his eyes.

"i wanna play!" Ginny grinned, joining the three.

"me too!" Dean and Seamus came over.

"alright. if you refuse to do whatever you're asked you have to drink. deal?" Harry said. everyone nodded.


"okay, i'll go first. Ron.. truth or dare?" Harry asked.

"truth." Ron answered.

"who's the prettiest girl in our year?" Harry smirked.

Ron grabbed the firewhiskey and took a quick sip.

"pussy." (y/n) teased.

"alright, (y/n). truth or dare?" Ron asked.

"dare." she said, sitting up straighter as to challenge him.

"i dare you to tell us what happened between you and Malfoy."

"why are you so nosy? what's my business is my business." (y/n) snapped.

"you have to drink, that wasn't an answer." Ron said.

(y/n) rolled her eyes and took a big sip of the alcohol.

after a lot more rounds the group was feeling a lot more intoxicated. (y/n) felt her eyes grow heavy as her head was pounding, but refused to stop playing.

"(y/n), truth or dare?" Seamus asked.

"truth." she said sluggishly.

"are you a virgin?" Seamus grinned.

"mate!" Ron scolded, his face filled with disgust.

"nooooo." (y/n) giggled.

"ew." Ginny gagged.

"that's disturbing information." Harry said, his features scrunched up.

"i- was is Draco? oh bloody hell." Ron groaned, rubbing his eyes.

"i'm going to murder him." Ron said.

"noooo, Ickle Ronniekins. i love himmmm." (y/n) pouted.

"but he's meannnnn to meeee. we got into a fight." she rambled on.

Ron and Harry inched closer.

"about what?" they questioned.

(y/n) glared at them. "top secret. no one must know." she smiled.

"(y/n), do you know what happened to Katie?" Harry asked.

(y/n) nodded before standing up and leaving the portrait hole.

"(y/n)!" Ron and Harry called after her.

she stumbled down to the dungeons, trying to find the Slytherin dungeon. when she got there she then realized she didn't know the password.


"Weasley?" someone asked from behind her. she turned, squinting her eyes as the blurry figure came walking up.

"Blaise?" she asked.

"what are you doing down here?" he questioned.

"uhhhh, where's Draco?" she said.

"let me see if he's in here. stand still, bloody hell." Blaise sighed, noticing her almost falling as he grabbed onto her.

he said the password and poked his head in, still holding onto the ginger. "Pansy, is Malfoy in here?" he asked the brunette girl.

"i'm right here. what it is?" Draco spoke up from behind him.

"(y/n) is out here, i'm 99% sure she's wasted."

"what?" Draco asked, coming out of the room. (y/n) was looking around at all the stone.

"Draco!" she smiled, throwing herself on him as he came walking out.

"(y/n) what did you have to drink? you're drunk, love." Draco said, looking at her face. her eye bags have returned and her face was very red.

"uhhh, i think shire blisky?" she draped her head on his shoulder as he held onto her.

"firewhiskey. who gave you that?"

"we were playing a game." her words were slurred.

"fuck. Blaise can you help me?" Draco asked, picking up her shoulders as Blaise grabbed her feet.

"stupid Gryffindors." Draco rolled his eyes as they carefully went back to the Gryffindor tower. Harry and Ron were standing outside; looking dumbfounded.

"there she is!" Ron said, watching Draco and Blaise place her down.

"ow." she whined, her ankle smacking against the stone floor.

"be careful!" Draco snapped at Blaise.

"watch where your sister goes, Weaselbee." Draco glared at Ron.

"shut it, Malfoy. i know what you and (y/n) did." Ron said angrily.

"you shagged! yuck." Harry said. Draco felt his face grow slightly warm as anger bubbled inside of him.

"jealous, Potter? jealous it couldn't be you? jealous that i finally had something you could only dream of?" Draco smirked.

"i'm right here!" (y/n) said suddenly.

"i'm going to bed. if you arseholes continue talking about my personal life like i'm some sort of object then fuck you all. i'm a human just like all of you. goodnight." she shoved past her brother and Harry, walking up to the girls dormitory.

Draco and Harry glared at each other in the hallway.

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