《My Secret Boyfriend》61


"did you curse Katie?" (y/n) asked, her voice raised as they stood in a deserted corridor.

"what? no! well..." Draco trailed off. he couldn't help but smirk a little.

"why are you proud? Draco, i- i can't support this." (y/n) said, her tone high but firm.

"shut it, will you?! anyone can be around right now and you're out blabbing!" Malfoy scolded.

the redhead was in shock as she stared at her boyfriend. "you- you're pr-proud to be one, huh? you like it." (y/n) came to the conclusion, her heart dropping as her throat became tight.

"i never said that." Draco said, realizing how hurt she was.

"you like the idea of innocent muggles and muggle-borns dying, why? because they're less than us? it's pathetic, Draco." she told him, trying not to get emotional.

"i never said i like it! stop putting words into my mouth!" he yelled, expecting her to flinch but only got angrier when she stood her ground.

"what's he making you do, Draco? what are you so proud of doing?" she asked.

Draco stayed quiet. his stomach was turning as he avoided eye contact.

"i'm talking to you! what's he making you do?" she snapped.

"none of your bloody business! you wouldn't understand, your family is a bunch of blood-traitors." he growled.

(y/n) took a deep breath, rage filling her as she looked at him in disbelief.

"my blood traitor family is much better than your family ever will be, you spoiled little bitch. you'll never have to work a day in your life because of your filthy father! my family doesn't cheat to get to the top, and more importantly, my family is filled with love!" she shouted, not noticing the tears running down her face.


"and if i'm such a blood traitor, why are you still with me?" she accidentally said.

Draco was fuming.

"what? do you want to break up?" he asked.

"i- i don't know what i want right now, Draco." she said, choking on a sob as she turned on her heels and began walking to the Gryffindor tower.

Draco watched as she walked, his own eyes filled with tears as her fiery red hair disappeared.

"fuck." he groaned.


(y/n) ran up the stairs, avoiding anyone who looked at her and mumbled out the password. the portrait hole swung open and she entered, the familiar face of Neville standing there with his plant.

"(y/n)? what's wrong?" his calming voice asked, his face filled with worry.

without answering, she lodged herself into his arms causing him to jump slightly at the sudden contact.

he nervously hugged her back, his heart thumping as he stared at her hair.

"you can talk when you're ready." he assured her, feeling her squeeze him tighter.

they stayed like that for a few minutes until she pulled away slowly, her nose stuffy and face red.

"sorry." she whispered.

"it's okay. what upset you?" Neville asked worriedly.

"Draco and i got into a fight." she said weakly.

"i'm sorry." Neville pouted.

"it's okay, Nev. it's not your fault." she gave him a sad smile.

"thank you for being you, Neville. i'm proud of you, and i love you. in a friendly way, of course." she told him.

Neville blushed deeply.

"i love you too."

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