《My Secret Boyfriend》60


"(y/n) i think i have a reason why your mother found out." Hermione said, clutching the Daily Prophet one morning at breakfast.

"why?" the ginger asked, looking at the text.

"well it says here your father had to go investigate the Malfoy's.. and maybe Draco's mum told him." Hermione theorized.

(y/n) rubbed her eyes in frustration. just as she was getting better mentally, it all came crashing down when her mum and dad found out about her relationship.

"or maybe someone let it slip?" Ginny raised her eyebrows.

"did you let it slip, Ginny?" (y/n) narrowed her eyebrows threateningly at her younger sister.

"me? what! no!" Ginny rolled her eyes.

"whatever. either way, i'm not going home for the holidays." (y/n) sighed.


the redhead walked down to Hogsmeade by herself, bundled up tightly in warm clothes as the wind and snow filled the area.

"what's it so cold for? bloody hell." she murmured to herself, opening the door to the Three Broomsticks. she ordered herself a warm butterbeer, finding a seat by the corner.

(y/n) sipped happily on the hot liquid as she tried to warm up. she was waiting on her boyfriend to meet up with her, helping him with his Transfiguration homework so he didn't end up in detention.

she tapped her fingers against the wood table, staring down as her eyes traced every detail of the oak.

"the table interesting, love?" Draco smirked, his own butterbeer in his hand.

she couldn't help but blush as he stared down at her. black on black always did something to her.

"more interesting than you, Malfoy." she teased, watching him sit down.

"is that why you're gawking over me?" he winked, taking off his mittens.

"shut up. about time you showed up, really. making me wonder where you are." she said, feeling him kiss her hand.


"i'm here now, love." he reassured her.

"so guess what? i think your mum told my dad about us then my father told my mother."

(y/n) said.

"what? my mother wouldn't talk to your father, let alone i don't think they know about us." Draco defended.

"seriously? your father told me he thinks you would be better off with Pansy Parkinson."

(y/n)'s face turned into a scowl as a bubbling feeling erupted in her stomach.

Draco stayed silent. "you know i don't like Pansy, right? never have, never will." he said.

"i don't think she quite gets that." (y/n) rolled her eyes.

"look, i didn't come here to fight with you. can we take these drinks and go have a little shopping spree? we missed our anniversary because we were fighting." Draco said.

"yeah." the redhead sighed, annoyed he chose to change the topic.

"how about you go into a store and i'll meet you there? i have to do something really quick." Draco said, watching as she grabbed his gloves and slipped them on her hands.

"i'll be in Honeydukes." she told him.

Draco watched her leave.


she grabbed two chocolate frogs; one for her and Draco, a large sugar quill, and a caldron cake. just as she was about to pay someone slapped down a few coins, causing her to jump.

"on me, love." said Draco.

"stop scaring me like that, you arse!" she scolded, grabbing the candy as they walked out of the shop.

"it's no fun if i don't!" he grinned, wrapping his arm around her as they looked in a few more stores.

after looking at more items and Draco spoiling (y/n), the couple headed back up to the castle as the storm began to become heavy.


(y/n) was hiding her face in Draco's shoulder, her face freezing as he guided them through the wind.

an ear-shattering scream was heard as they both whipped their heads to the left. Katie Bell was flying in the air, her arms spread out as her fair perfectly was fanned out.

"Draco we have to help!" (y/n) said, beginning to jog over when Draco grabbed her wrist. his icy hand sent a shiver down her spine.

"(y/n), please. please, can we go back to the castle?" he begged, his eyes filled with horror.

(y/n) studied his face a bit longer, but heard Hagrid come stomping over to Katie.

and then it made sense.

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