《My Secret Boyfriend》59


(y/n) sat in Draco's lap, his hands placed on her bum as they made out passionately. their tongues fought the other for dominance as the redhead tugged on Malfoy's blond hair.

he trailed his lips down to her jaw, sucking slightly the skin before moving down to her neck. the skin started turning red causing him to smirk.

"i swear if you're leaving hickeys-" she began, instantly shut up when he bit onto her throat.

"okay, vampire." she teased, feeling him roll his eyes under her. "mhmmm so good, love." she hummed in delight, feeling him continue his attack on her neck.


later on at dinner (y/n) ate for the first time in months, stuffing her face hungrily. "glad to see you're eating." Hermione smiled at her.

(y/n) noticed how Harry kept staring at Ginny, causing her to internally praise the universe.

"(y/n)! Ginny and i made the team! i blocked all five goals!" Ron said happily. Hermione blushed a deep scarlet.

"that's great, Ronald. very proud of you. Keeper, again?" she asked.

Draco was proud to see his girlfriend eating and happy again. he watched her from across the tables, her neck covered up by a turtleneck.

"i'm glad to see you both looking more like yourselves. it was beginning to worry me." Theodore said from next to Draco.

"like you cared, Theo." Draco rolled his eyes.

"well i certainly didn't." Pansy huffed.

"shut up, Pansy." Draco snapped.

"i don't understand how we were flirting on the train then now you treat me like horse sh-"

"first of all, we weren't flirting. i was bored, and you so happened to be there. second of all, you can never compete with (y/n)."


next morning (y/n) watched owls swoop into the Great Hall. she was sitting next to Ron and Neville as Pigwidgeon came flying in.


"what color is that letter, Ron?" she asked in horror, seeing it wasn't white parchment.

"someone's got a howler." Ron groaned, watching as the small owl dropped the red letter in front of (y/n).

"good luck." Hermione said from across the table.

"open it, you don't want it to explode." Neville said from next to her.

with shaky hands and her heart pounding,

(y/n) picked up the howler and opened it slightly before it started shouting.

"(Y/n) WEASLEY! HOW COULD YOU DATE A MALFOY? WHY DID YOU NOT TELL YOUR FATHER AND I? YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE, MISSY. oh, Ron and Ginny, congratulations on making the Quidditch team."

Molly's voice echoed throughout the Great Hall. (y/n)'s face immediately turned scarlet, noting how everyone was staring at her. she made eye contact with Draco, tears forming in her eyes.

"bloody hell." Ron said, placing a hand on his twin's back and began rubbing comfortingly.

"stop staring at her, you pricks!" Draco yelled, getting up. the silent hall watched him walk over to his girlfriend.

"mind your business." Ron scolded, listening as the students awkwardly returned to conversations.

"are you okay?" Draco asked, looking over her face as she tried not to cry.

"mhm." she hummed.

"come into the hall with me." Draco said, grabbing her hand and leading her into the corridor.

once they were alone he pulled her into a tight hug, rubbing her lower back soothingly as she cried into his shoulder.

"i- i knew they wouldn't approve but- but sending me a howler?" she choked out, squeezing him tighter.

"shh, it's okay. i'm here, alright? it's gonna be okay." he calmed her.

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