《My Secret Boyfriend》58


a few days later (y/n) sat with her head in her hands at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. she avoided the food in front of her, hearing Ron smacking his lips as he ate.

"can you shut up?" she said, irritated. Ron rolled his eyes.

"not my fault you sat next to me." Ron said.

"whatever." she rolled her eyes, getting up to leave. it was finally Saturday and she was finally allowed to get some rest.

she felt eyes on her as she sluggishly walked out, her head hung low as she yawned. dark eye bags were formed under her eyes as she let her hand drag along the stone wall as she walked.

(y/n) had no particular location in mind on where to go, she just wanted to be alone. her eyes were practically closed as she accidentally bumped into someone.

"you alright, Weasley?" Seamus asked her.

"yeah.. thanks, Sea." she gave him a weak smile. she knew he gave her a frown, but he kept walking.

first years were running down the corridor happily, causing a tugging at (y/n)'s heart.

"Weasley!" someone shouted behind her. she closed her eyes, inhaling a deep breath through her nose as she turned around slowly.

"yes, Malfoy?" she asked through gritted teeth.

"can- can we talk?" the blond awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"why?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at him.

"because we have to talk." he said firmly.

"lead the way." she yawned once more.

he started walking to the Prefects bathroom, mumbling the password after he checked no one was around.

"is this the Prefects bathroom?" she asked in awe, looking at the giant bathtub.

"yeah. i figured you could use a little pampering considering you look like shit." he teased. she rolled her eyes.

"you're why i look like shit, bloody arsehole." she scoffed, beginning to take off her green sweater.

Draco sat on a marble ledge, slipping off his shoes as he tried not to look at his girlfriend undressing.


"close your eyes." she scolded, completely naked. she quickly got into the hot water, a sigh of content leaving her mouth as she leaned against the side.

"can i open now? it's not like i haven't seen everything." Draco said, opening his eyes.

"what did you need to talk about?" she asked, her wet hair flowing down her back and fanning out around her. she looked like a goddess.

"us." Draco sucked in a breath.

"you brought me in here to break up?" she began making assumptions, her heart rate quickening.

"what? no! Merlin." he rubbed his eyes out of frustration.

"listen, (y/n). i love you, so much. and i'm sorry i didn't write back to you, or even try to communicate. but i can't tell you why.." Draco sighed, his heart thumping out of his chest.

"why not? Draco, i spent every day waiting for your letters. every. fucking. day. and i got nothing. do you know what that feels like? to wait for something but end up completely disappointed? so yeah, i think that deserves an explanation." she said bitterly.

"i can't tell you, (y/n)! it- it would put your life in danger." he whispered the last part.

"huh?" she asked. "what do you mean danger? love, Draco.. please talk to me." she said, grabbing his cold hands in her wet ones. her thumbs traced over every vein and knuckle.

"i can't." he said, his lip beginning to tremble.

"please." she begged quietly, her eyes roaming his face.

he took his hands out of her, tapping his foot harshly as he began to slowly lift up his sleeve. he looked away, not wanting to see her reaction.

(y/n) gasped, her stomach dropping as she looked at the Dark Mark coating his forearm. "i- oh my. Merlin's Beard.. Draco i'm so sorry."

"don't be." he said, pulling his sleeve back down, avoiding eye contact.

"look at me." she told him.


his silver eyes connected with her (e/c) ones.

"you're the most handsomest person i've ever scene. and that- that mark.. is a symbol of bad choices. i'm sorry they're making a sixteen year old boy become a Death Eater, because you don't deserve it, love. now, it would mean the world to me if you joined me in here. please?" she gave him a soft smile.

Draco hesitated, but then began undressing himself. he slowly got in the bath, the warm water coming a bit surprising as he sat down.

he put his hair into the water, the blond locks falling loosely on his forehead.

she approached him cautiously, resting her head against his shoulder as his right arm wrapped around her waist.

"i love you, Draco." she murmured, pressing kisses to his wet shoulder.

"i love you, (y/n)." he whispered. they sat like that for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company for the first time in months.

Draco brought his left hand up, grabbing her chin and guiding her lips on his. he slipped his tongue in her mouth, moving so he was now in front of her.

"is this okay?" he mumbled against her lips.

"yes, gods, please." she said, pulling him closer as her clit ached in anticipation.

"missed me, love?" he smirked, bringing his thumb down her to clit and started to rub small circles. she bucked her hips up, her head throwing back in pleasure.

"so much, Dray. so much." she moaned.

he lifted up her thighs, bringing her out of the water and onto the marble. she spread her legs, her wetness on display as Draco became instantly hard.

he put his tongue on her clit, circling the bud as she grabbed his hair. "bloody hell." she whimpered.

he took two fingers, entering her slowly as his tongue continued his assault. he moved his fingers faster, looking up at her as her chest raised and fell quickly.

"shit, i'm not gonna last long." she warned, a knot forming inside her belly as the pleasure increased.

"cum on my tongue, darling." he told her, humming on her nub sending vibrations up her whole body.

"fuck." she moaned, her legs began shaking as she came.

"good girl." he praised, pulling his fingers out and sticking them into her mouth. his cock twitched as she sucked her juices.

"have another one in you, love?" he asked, now standing up to reveal his hard-on.

"please fuck me, Draco." she begged, looking up at him through her eyelashes. he smirked.

"such a good girl." he cooed, entering her slowly.

he kissed her quickly, beginning to move his hips as one hand held her thigh and the other went up to her neck.

"fuck." he groaned, applying pressure to her neck as they pulled away. she arched her back, her chest resting against his.

"so good, Dray. fucking me so good." she praised, gripping onto his shoulders as her nails dug into his pale skin.

"dirty whore." he said, feeling her clench around him.

"you like my dirty talk, love? i know you do, fucking slut." he smirked, his hips going faster as he chased his orgasm.

"shit, can i cum?" she asked, feeling him against her g-spot.

"cum, (y/n)." he allowed once more. he felt a feeling of pride shoot through him as he watched his beautiful girlfriend have a second orgasm.

"fuck." he groaned, pulling out and shooting his cum all over her stomach.

they both came down from their highs, slipping back into the bath water to clean up as their breathing was heavy.

"i missed you." (y/n) told him, feeling him hold her against his body.

"i missed you more." Draco replied.

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