《My Secret Boyfriend》56


the redhead walked to Potions later that evening with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Madam Pomfrey had solved (y/n)'s boil problem simply with a potion, but now she was waiting for the swelling to go down.

"are you signing up for Quidditch again,

(y/n)?" Ron asked.

"i don't know. probably not, i think two Weasleys are enough for the Gryffindor team." she said, referring to how both Ron and Ginny were trying out.

the four walked into what used to be Snape's classroom seeing the Slytherins had settled themselves in.

Draco immediately looked up at (y/n), his heart aching as she didn't spare him a glance and stood on the other side of the room.

three potions stood in front of the students as Slughorn walked in. "i want everyone to take out their Advanced Potions book. ah, Harry m'boy, yes?" Slughorn said.

"Ron and i don't have our books, or any supplies." Harry said.

"ah, not to worry. there's some in the cupboard." Slughorn said.

(y/n) noticed Harry and Ron start fighting by the cupboard causing her to roll her eyes.

"now as i was saying, i've prepared a few concoctions this morning. any ideas of what this might be? yes miss..?"

"Granger, sir. that one there is Veritaserum. and that would be Polyjuice Potion. and that.." Hermione trailed off.

"is Amortentia! the most powerful love potion in the world. it's rumored to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them. for example, i smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and spearmint toothpaste-" Hermione cut herself off.

(y/n) smirked at Hermione.

a few girls stepped forward as though to get a better whiff of the potion. (y/n) didn't need to step any further. the smell of cologne, parchment, and mint was filling her nostrils.


Draco cocked an eyebrow at Hermione's words. he instantly smelled vanilla, books, and laundry as soon as he walked into the room.

"now Amortentia doesn't create actual love, of course. that's impossible. but it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in the world." Slughorn said.

(y/n) saw Pansy look at Draco from the corner of her eye. her fists instantly balled once more.

"sir, you haven't told us what that one is." Ernie Macmillan said.

"what you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion known as Felix Felicis. but it is more commonly referred to as-"

"Liquid Luck." (y/n) accidentally cut in. Slughorn smiled at her.

after Slughorn gave instructions on what to do the class set off. (y/n) frantically read the step by step instructions, but was having great difficulty cutting her beans.

"fuck." she swore, accidentally cutting her finger with the blade.

"ah, careful Miss Weasley." Slughorn said.

(y/n) looked up to see Harry pouring the bean juice into the cauldron. "how did you do that?" she asked, noticing how big Hermione's hair was.

"crush it, don't cut it." he said.

(y/n) raised her eyebrows but did as told.

"no, the instructions say specifically to cut it." Hermione butted in.

"no, he's right." (y/n) defended Harry, noticing how easily the juice came from the bean.

Draco scowled from across the room, his gaze on them as he gripped his blade tightly in his hand.

and in the end, Harry got the Liquid Luck.

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