《My Secret Boyfriend》55


(y/n) sat in the Great Hall across from Ron and Hermione. she had a perfect view of the Slytherin table as she tried to avoid looking over at her boyfriend.

"that bloody git, i swear (y/n), if you need me to fight him-" Ron said, his mouth full of chicken. Hermione gave him a disgusted look.

"no, no one is going to be fighting anyone."

(y/n) rolled her eyes.

"where's Harry?" Hermione changed the subject, looking around for the brunette.

"who knows. did anyone actually see him get off the train? maybe he's on his way back to London." Ron said sarcastically.

Hermione glared at him, grabbing her book.

"will. you. stop. eating! your best friend is missing." Hermione huffed.

"turn around you lunatic." Ron said, swallowing his food.

(y/n) lifted her eyes as Harry pushed them aside and sat in between.

"you're covered in blood again. why are you always covered in blood?" (y/n) asked. her plate was still full.

"i'll explain later." Harry said, grabbing out for a napkin to clean the blood.

Hermione and (y/n) shared a look.

after Dumbledore shared his speech about Tom Riddle and the safety of Hogwarts he wished the students off to bed quickly.

(y/n) finally glanced at Draco to see him resting with his chin in his hand, staring at the wooden table as he zoned out.

she couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger shoot through her as she marched with Hermione up to the Gryffindor tower.

"where did you go on the train?" (y/n) approached Harry after he entered the portrait hole.

"let's sit down and talk." Harry said. the four sat in the corner.

Harry explained what Malfoy was talking about, muttering the last part about him and Pansy.


"Pansy was doing what to his hair?" (y/n) asked, her stomach turning as she balled her fists.

Ron placed a hand on her wrist as to calm her.

the next day during Defense Against the Dark Arts (y/n) sat with Hermione as Snape talked greatly about the understanding of Dark Magic.

the redhead could feel eyes on her every now and then and knew it had to be her blond haired partner.

"now, partner up. we're going to be learning defensive spells nonverbally." Snape instructed.

the ginger heard shuffling as everyone stood up. Hermione opened her mouth to speak but got cut off when she saw someone else standing next to the desk.

(y/n) noticed a pale hand placed down onto the wood, causing her to look up slowly.

"partners?" Draco asked. it was a few days before their one year anniversary and she still made butterflies form in his belly.

"sure." she murmured, grabbing her wand and standing up.

they stood across from each other and (y/n) quickly became thankful that her and Hermione practiced spells and charms over the summer when they had free time.

"am i jinxing you or are you jinxing me?" he asked, avoiding eye contact.

"i'll jinx you?" she said, gripping her wand tighter.

"on three. one... two.. three." Draco said, light shooting from his wand.

"Protego!" Draco said in his head.

it reflected (y/n)'s leg dancing charm.

"my turn." Draco said.

Draco tried thinking of a spell, looking around the room to see Potter staring at (y/n). his mind fogging instantly with anger and jealousy. he said, "Fumunculus!"

(y/n) immediately felt her face grow hot as she heard Hermione gasp in horror.

"is- is there boils all over my face?" she asked furiously.


Draco's jaw was dropped as his girlfriend stood in the middle of the classroom with giant pimples covering her freckled face.

"i wasn't ready you bloody arsehole!" she shouted, looking Draco dead in the eye.

"Miss Weasley why don't you go to the hospital wing." Snape said from behind them.

(y/n) shoved past a gawking Draco, hearing Pansy laughing with her friends.

"(y/n)!" Draco ran after her.

"shove off, Malfoy. i know what Pansy was doing to you on the train, and now this. you didn't respond to any of my letters. so right now, leave me the fuck alone."

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