《My Secret Boyfriend》53


(y/n) walked around the crowded store, a proud smile on her face.

"step up! step up!" Fred and George exclaimed.

"we've got Fainting Fancy.."

"Nosebleed Nougats.."

"and just in time for school.."

"Puking Pastilles!" the twins told everyone.

(y/n) showed Ginny and her mum the Pygmy Puffs. looking over, she saw Harry was staring at her.

he quickly looked away, heat rising to his face as his heart fluttered.

"what do you think, Harry?" George asked him.

"amazing." Harry smiled.

"mum, can we get one? can we?" Ginny asked Molly.

"i don't know dear.." Molly trailed off.

"dad, look at the Muggle section." (y/n) guided her father towards the corner of the shop to get away from the chaos.

"brilliant!" Arthur said happily, picking up a deck of cards.

(y/n) sighed, walking back to the check out counter and helping families with their purchases. behind her she heard,

"how much for this?" Ron asked.

"five galleons." the twins said.

"i'm your brother.." Ron said.

"ten galleons." the twins smirked, walking up the stairs.

(y/n) couldn't help but giggle as Ron came down the stairs, his face defeated. "three galleons, Ronnikins." she told him, holding out her hand.

"thanks, (y/n)." he sighed, handing her the coins.

"what did you get on your O.W.L?" Ron asked his sister, leaning against the counter as Hermione and Harry joined them.

"five O's, two E's, and two A's." she said proudly.

"bloody hell. how did i become the dumb twin?" Ron asked, causing Harry to laugh.

"i get off work in a couple minutes, wait for me outside and we can go get a butterbeer." (y/n) told them, checking the time.

"Hagrid is keeping watch outside. although i'm sure we can sneak away with the Invisibility Cloak.." Harry said, holding up the invisible fabric.


(y/n) grinned.

moments later the four of them piled under the cloak, leaving the shop and into an alley way.

"Ron i swear stop stepping on my toes!" Hermione whisper yelled.

"oops." Ron rolled his eyes.

"bloody hell, no one's around." (y/n) said, stepping out from the cloak. the trio followed.

"when did that happen?" Harry asked, looking at Ollivander's Wand Shop.

"i don't know. i reckon he got kidnapped by you-know-who or he willing left with the Death Eaters." (y/n) explained, brushing the dust off her.

"everyone got their wands from Ollivander.." Hermione frowned.

"is it just me or do Draco and mummy look like two people that don't want to be followed?" Ron said suddenly.

(y/n) immediately looked over, the flash of blond hair disappearing down another alley way.

the three of them stared at the redhead, waiting for her to make a move.

"what are we waiting for? follow them." (y/n) said, picking up the pace and speed walking after her boyfriend.

they climbed on top of a roof that had a perfect view of inside Borgin and Burkes.

"what is he doing?" Harry whispered.

"no clue." Ron whispered back.

(y/n) watched intently as Draco ran his hand over a large cabinet, and couldn't help but shudder.

"duck!" Hermione said, watching as Greyback began to turn around.

the four ducked quickly, climbing back down the house and made their way back to the joke shop.

"what is he up to?" Harry said in wonder.

"i swear he better have a damn good reason. that bloody arsehole has not responded to my letters once."

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