《My Secret Boyfriend》52


Draco sat at the large table in the cold Malfoy Manor. his father, Lucius, was in Azkaban. Narcissa was seated with her son, her face unreadable.

"i'm sorry.. but can you repeat that?" Draco nervously asked, his fingers drumming against the wood.

"Draco i want you to kill Dumbledore." Voldemort said firmly.

"prove to me you are loyal, because Draco, if not; you die." he said.

Draco gulped, watching as Nagini slithered along the floor next to her master.

"okay.." Draco agreed.


(y/n) laughed loudly, Fred and George slipping a laughing potion in her butterbeer. an apron was tied around her waist, her hair in a bun; her cash she made from tips hanging in the front of her orange and purple pockets.

"you.. bloody.. arseholes." she laughed in between words.

costumers around looked at her confused.

Fred and George grinned madly to each other. the sixteen year old witch had started working at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes since the summer term ended.

her twin brothers enjoyed working with her. they claimed she brought "a beautiful face" to the store, other than themselves (of course).

"it's nice to see you laughing again, sis." George teased.

"yeah.. you moping around is getting tiring for the rest of us." Fred added.

"shut up." (y/n) said coming down from her laughing fit.

it was true. the ginger had been busy with the store, but she wrote to Draco every chance she got, and not one response back.

"i mean it's weird he just stopped responding, right?" Fred asked, looking more at George than (y/n).

"very. either something has happened, or he wants to break up."

"who wants to break up?" a feminine voice asked. the three redheads turned to see Lupin and Tonks making their way into the shop.


"Tonks!" (y/n) grinned, hugging the girl with shoulder length brown hair.

"hello, pretty girl." Tonks laughed, hugging the girl back.

ever since Sirius died, the Order had to move headquarters. in result, (y/n) and Tonks didn't see each other much anymore.

"so who's breaking up?" Remus asked, his lip curled into a smile.

"(y/n)'s boyfriend." George said.

"and who's that?" Remus raised his eyebrows at the girl.

"Draco Mal-" Fred started, but got interrupted when Tonks choked on her drink.

"is Draco the boyfriend that-" Tonks began yelling, but (y/n) placed her hand over her mouth.

"shut up!" the redhead said, blushing madly.

"(y/n)! that's my cousin!" Tonks said, her face wide in surprise.

"i knew it. he talked non stop about you while he was in my class." Remus smirked.

"what?" (y/n) asked, her stomach filled with butterflies as Tonks rambled on.

"do Molly and Arthur know?" Tonks asked.

"no, and i would like to keep it that way. at least for now." (y/n) quickly answered.

"how long?" Remus asked.

"almost one year." (y/n) said.

"i cannot believe this. oh my- ew!" Tonks groaned.

"what does she mean ew, (y/n)?" Fred asked, his voice slightly raised.

"nothing! leave me alone." (y/n) said, her heart pounding.

"i'm leaving my shift. i'll see you at the Burrow." the redhead dismissed, needing to get away from everyone.

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