《My Secret Boyfriend》51


"i'm fine, (y/n). i don't need the hospital wing." Harry said, his heart fluttering as the redhead helped him up.

"Harry you should go." Hermione said sternly.

"guys.. he has Padfoot." Harry murmured, watching as Draco glared at him.

(y/n) and Ron made a look at each other.


Draco leaned against the window sill in Umbridge's office, a smirk on his face as he twirled Harry's wand between his fingers.

Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna were all being held against Slytherin members in the bright pink room.

Harry sat in a chair in the front, Umbridge interrogating him.

"i'm afraid this is a Ministry problem." she said, taking out her short wand.

"a bit of the Cruciatus Curse will make him tell me the truth." she added, an evil smile on her face.


"stop!" Hermione yelled.

"we'll show you where the weapon is." Hermione said.

Umbridge left the room with Harry and Hermione walking in front of her, wand tightly in her hand.

Draco walked up and down the line of Gryffindors, his smirk never falling.

"(y/n) is going to upset when she finds out what you're doing to her family." Ron spat through his gag.

"me? i'm not doing anything.. simply just observing." Draco said matter-of-factly.

the door opened slowly causing Draco to turn around.

"Draco...?" a voice asked. the blond watched inquisitively as red hair peeked through the door.

"(y/n)!" Draco said, opening the door for her to walk in.

"what's going on?" she asked, narrowing her eyes at the scene displayed in front of her.

"Inquisitorial Squad stuff." Draco said.

"why are they included?" she asked, looking at her friends.

"they got in the way." Draco explained nervously.

"let them go." the ginger said firmly.


"huh?" he asked.

"let them go." she said through gritted teeth.


"Draco i swear, let them go. this is bizarre." she shot.

Draco twitched his nose, his stomach bubbling in anger. he looked at the Slytherins, rolled his eyes, then called them off.

"happy?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at his girlfriend.

"i woulda been more happy if you didn't capture them in the first place." she shot.

"you don't understand!" Draco raised his voice firmly.

(y/n) was quickly becoming angrier.

"piss off." she spat, opening the door and stomping out. Neville, Ginny, Luna, and Ron all chased after her.

"brilliant, (y/n)." Ron spoke to her for the first time in months.

"shut up, Ron. let's go save Sirius."


the seven of them arrived at the Ministry of Magic, running towards the Department of Mysteries.

"what door, Harry?" (y/n) whispered as they were surrounded in darkness.

"i don't know." Harry mumbled back.

"that's nice." (y/n) sarcastically mumbled under her breath, causing Harry to roll his eyes.

"let's try that one." Hermione suggested, pointing to a door. after two of them filled with weird things, they weren't sure exactly what to expect.

the seven pushed forward, multiple little balls of light filling shelves and shelves.

"it's this one!" Harry said.

"we need to go to row ninety-seven." Harry said.


"Harry this one has your name on it." Ron said.

Harry picked up the little ball of light, cautiously looking at it.

"nicely done, Potter. now give it to me." a voice startled them.

white-blond hair was laying over the shoulders of no one other than Lucius Malfoy. (y/n) shuddered, not knowing how this will play out.

"where is Sirius?" Harry asked firmly.


"silly fool.. you saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. now, hand me the Prophecy." Lucius said.

"if you do anything to us i'll break it." Harry replied.

cackling came from behind Lucius. a short girl with curly dark hair appeared; Bellatrix Lestrange.

"he knows how to play! itty.. bitty.. baby.. Potter." Bellatrix said in a baby voice.

"Bellatrix Lestrange.." Neville trailed off, gripping his wand tightly.

"Neville Longbottom is it? how's mum and dad?" Bellatrix smirked.

"better now they're about to be avenged." Neville shot, raising his wand. (y/n) immediately grabbed Neville's arm, pulling it back down slowly.

"now.. everyone just calm down. hand me the Prophecy.." Lucius said.

"why does Voldemort need me to get it?" Harry asked.

"how dare you say his name! you filthy half-blood!" Bellatrix yelled.

"did you know he's a half blood too? muggle father.. or did he tell you all he's a pureblood?" Harry smirked.

Bellatrix angrily raised her wand, but Lucius held her back.

"is that (y/n) Weasley?" Lucius said, surprise in his voice.

the redhead gulped as Ron wrapped his hand around her wrist.

"my my.. the girlfriend of my son. such a pity he's with you.. Narcissa and i were planning on him getting with Pansy Parkinson."

(y/n) jumped forward, Ron holding her back as the Death Eaters raised the wands.


when (y/n) woke up again she was in the hospital wing next to Hermione and Ginny. "what happened?" she asked, her head pounding.

"a Death Eater shot us with a spell.. we were passed out for quite some time." Hermione explained.

"(y/n)!" Draco said, relived to see her awake.

he took her in his arms, pressing kisses to her face.

"yeah.. Malfoy's been here for a few hours." Ron said.

(y/n) couldn't help but feel her heart flutter as she accepted her partner's hug and brought him closer.

"i'm so sorry for the Inquisitorial Squad thing." he whispered into her ear.

"it's okay." she whispered back, happy to be in his arms again.

"what did i miss?" she asked when they pulled away.

"Sirius is dead. the Death Eaters were sent to Azkaban." Ginny explained briefly.

Draco's grip tightened slightly, knowing his father was one of those Death Eaters.

"woah. how's Harry?" the redhead asked, scratching her neck as Draco held her hand.

"upset." Luna said, reading The Quibbler.


(y/n) walked with Draco to the Hogwarts Express, not ready to leave him for the short summer break.

"promise you'll write to me?" (y/n) asked.

"of course. i promise." he softly smiled, kissing her lips.

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