《My Secret Boyfriend》50


"Harry what the bloody hell is Malfoy talking about?" Ron asked louder, everyone ignoring McGonagall.

"that git has feelings for your sister!" Draco shouted, causing murmurs to come from the students. (y/n) blushed deeply, glaring at her boyfriend who stood, seething.

"is he serious, Harry?" Ron said.

"yes! fine! but she turned me down for you, so leave me alone!" Harry yelled.

"is there anyone else who has a crush on my sister?!" Ron yelled to the crowd. three hands slowly shook into the air.

"bloody hell." Ron groaned, walking away angrily.

"damn sis." George winked.

(y/n) grabbed onto Draco, pulling him away. they walked into a corridor, Draco leaning against the wall as he crossed his shoulders over his chest.

"are you calm now?" she asked, standing in front of him and playing with his hair. she traced circles on his cheek, seeing him visibly relax.

"i'm sorry." he sighed, his hands on her hips as he brought her as close as possible.

"it's okay." she whispered, kissing the top of his head.

after a week Gryffindor was against Ravenclaw for the Quidditch Cup. Ron finally learned how to properly block, causing Gryffindor to win.

it was now O.W.L week and (y/n) could not have been more prepared. she was almost as smart as Hermione, but she took a small form of pride knowing Hermione was freaking out while she remained calm.

she thought about being an Auror, a Healer, or the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor when she left Hogwarts.

(y/n) sat in the Great Hall, scribbling down answers as Umbridge stood in front of a giant hourglass.

all of a sudden, the desks began to shake and the giant wooden door began to thump. all the students stopped writing and looked behind, watching confused as Umbridge began to walk down the isles to the door.


she opened the doors, stepping out before a sparkler came flying in front of her face. it flew into the classroom, erupting into a firework.

(y/n) smiled so brightly as she realized what was happening. Fred and George came zipping in, papers flying everywhere as more fireworks went off.

(y/n) was standing now; next to Hermione, laughing as she watched her brothers fly around. Umbridge walked in, shocked, as a sparkler went after Crabbe and Goyle.

one of the twins threw something into the air, everyone watching as it turned into a dragon and went after Umbridge.

"suck on that, you old hag!" (y/n) shouted after the old woman dressed in bright pink that ran out of the hall.

a loud crash was heard from outside, all of the Educational Decrees falling. Fred and George flew outside, Hermione pulled on (y/n)'s wrist, the both of them running out with smiles on their faces.

Draco snuck up behind his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her waist as he grinned.

"i love my brothers." she laughed, listening to the crackling of fireworks and the cheering students.

the sparks formed a giant W into the sky, and (y/n) couldn't be more excited to work at the shop when it was summer break.

the redhead looked behind her momentarily, seeing Harry was falling to the floor; clutching his scar.


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