《My Secret Boyfriend》49


"about what?" Draco asked.

"we'll just discuss it later, okay?" (Y/n) sighed, picking at her food.

"you're worrying me, but alright." Draco said.

"i love you, remember that. please." she told him.

"i love you too." he replied, his face full of confusion.

"okay.. meet me at the Quidditch Pitch later. you can help me practice for the game while i tell you." she said, kissing his lips before getting up to leave.

"she's cheating." Pansy smirked, looking at her nails as the redhead left the Great Hall.

"what?" Draco asked, his voice offended.

"it's obvious." Pansy shrugged.

"shut up, Pansy. when are you going to get it through your thick skull? i will never choose you." he said through gritted teeth. Theodore and Blaise raised their eyebrows at each other in amusement.

Pansy huffed, watching as the blond stomped out.

hours later (y/n) flew along the field, bat in her hand as she hit the bludger at targets.

"(y/n)?!" someone called out from below. she looked down, a flash of blond hair standing there with a broom in his hand.

"come up here!" she yelled, instantly getting nervous.

Draco kicked off the ground, zooming through the wind up to his partner. "what did you wanna tell me?" he asked.

"hold on.. can you fly around so i can try to hit you?" she asked, trying to stall.

"sure." he said, flying off so she can throw the bludger.

minutes later he flew back to her, his heart thumping harshly against his chest.

"stop stalling, (y/n). are you cheating on me?" he asked suddenly.

"what? no!" she said.

"then what is it?" he asked; frustrated.

"harryadmittedhe'sinlovewithme." she said in one breath.

"pardon?" Draco asked, flying closer.


"harry admitted he's in love with me." she repeated more slowly.

Draco stayed quiet for a moment.

"say something.. please.." she whispered.

"well then i guess that settles it. how am i going to compete with the all mighty chosen one?" Draco said, his face pale and upset.


"no, i understand. you're breaking up with me for Potter."

"listen to me! bloody hell, you're so stubborn! i love you Draco! and that's exactly what i told him." she yelled at her partner.

"oh." he said shortly.

before (y/n) could even blink, Draco was down onto the field and stomping to the castle. she flew down, not worrying about putting anything away in fear of Harry's safety, and began to run after him.

"Draco! babe! stop!" she shouted, but realized he was so far ahead of her.

"oh bloody hell." she breathed, beginning to sprint as his figure disappeared into the castle.

"stop Malfoy!" she yelled at the students, who looked at her weirdly.

"idiots." she murmured to herself, running into the entrance hall. Fred and George were entertaining first years with their box of pranks.

"Fred! George! where's Harry?" she asked, catching her breath as her side ached.

"he's out in the courtyard with Hermione and Ron.. why?" George cocked an eyebrow.

"Draco's going to murder him." she breathed out, breaking into a run again.

"i wanna watch!" Fred said, running after his little sister with George right on his tail.

(y/n) looked around the courtyard to see a group of students in a crowd. "shit." she whispered, pushing her way through.

Draco and Harry had their wands raised to each other. Harry's nose was dripping with blood, his green eyes wide.

"trying to steal my girl, Potter?" Draco spat. he looked terrifying at how angry he was.


"what?" Ron asked, looking from Draco to Harry.

"what's he saying, Harry?" Ron asked more firmly.

"you don't deserve her." Harry said, ignoring Ron who was being held onto by Hermione.

"and you do?"

"stop, you arseholes!" (y/n) shouted, causing both boys to be startled and look at her.

"get the hell away from each other. now." (y/n) said, her voice full of power as she stood in between them.

Harry and Draco glared at each other, but lowered their wands at the same time.

"what's going on here?" McGonagall asked suddenly.

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