《My Secret Boyfriend》48


(y/n) nervously sat in the common room. luckily, it was deserted and she was alone in her thoughts.

i can not believe Harry likes me! he- he knows i'm with Draco..

Draco is going to be so angry when i tell him

she kept repeating those thoughts over and over again.

"(y/n)? you okay?" a voice snapped her out of her thoughts. she looked up at Harry, anxiety instantly filling her.

"oh.. yeah.. uh.." she stumbled on her words, avoiding eye contact as she let out a deep breath. what if you heard wrong?

"Harry can i ask you something?" she asked quickly.

the brunette moved to sit across from her. she began to bounce her leg under the table, lifting her hand to move her hair out of the way.

"er.. when i was passed out at the hospital wing i think i heard you say something.." she trailed off, looking everywhere but him.

"oh?" Harry asked, his own voice shaky.

"i- i think i heard you say you like me." she said, finally looking into his green eyes.

silence fell between them.

"well.. uh.. oh bloody hell. (y/n) i've been in love with you since third year. i'm tired of denying my feelings towards you, and i know you're with Draco now.. and i know i'm being selfish, but i just need you to understand." Harry admitted.

"say something please.." Harry whispered.

"i- there's nothing to say? i don't know, Harry. i mean you're an attractive young man.. but.. but what about Cho? what about Ginny?" (y/n) asked.

"Cho is a distraction. she helps me get my mind off of you. and Ginny, what about her?" Harry said.

"never mind. look Harry, this can't happen. it won't happen. i'm in love with Draco.. and he's going to bloody murder you when he finds out." (y/n) told him.


"right.. Draco." Harry coughed.


Harry stood up, wishing her an awkward goodnight and left to the boys dormitory. (y/n) got up and went into the girls dorm to see Hermione and Ginny sleeping.

next morning she saw on the Gryffindor notice board it was around that time for career advice. she saw that she had a meeting with McGonagall after Potions.

avoiding Harry, she exited the tower as soon as she saw him enter. she made her way to the Great Hall for breakfast, seating herself at the Slytherin table to wait for Draco.

moments later the blond walked in with Crabbe and Goyle, satisfied grins on their faces as they sat with her.

"morning, love. how'd ya sleep?" he asked, kissing her temple.

"alright, how about you?" she asked, moving his hair out of his face.

"pleasantly. what's wrong?" he asked, looking at her in worry.

she sighed, glancing at Harry to see him picking at his eggs.

"we need to talk later." she mumbled.

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