《My Secret Boyfriend》47


Draco came running into the Great Hall, a proud smile on his face as he slid into the seat next to his girlfriend.

"look." he said, showing her his new badge. the letter I was sitting just below his Slytherin Prefect badge.

"what does it stand for?" (y/n) asked, looking into his grey eyes.

"Inquisitorial Squad. on the notice board you can join for extra credit." he said matter-of-factly.

"so you can snitch on Potter and his friends?" she teased, tracing shapes on the back of his hand. her finger felt every vein, sending shivers down her spine.

"you know me so well." he grinned, kissing her nose.

he grabbed a piece of chicken, eating quickly before leaving again. "sorry, love. squad duties and prefect duties."

"you mean bullying kids?" she raised her eyebrows in amusement.

"shush, you." he poked her cheek, exiting the Great Hall.

she smiled to herself, taking bites of her lunch; alone. well, until Harry and Hermione sat across from her.

"what?" she asked, looking at Hermione.

"Harry has to ask you something." Hermione said, nudging Harry with her elbow.

"yes?" she cocked an eyebrow, looking at the brunette who sat nervously.

"would you uh, wanna come to the D.A. practice tonight? we're going to be practicing Patronus charms." he asked, his green eyes staring deadly into her's.

"oh.. now i'm not banished?" (y/n) questioned.

"look.. i'm sorry about how i reacted. it just took me a little by surprise, and it would mean the world to me if you came tonight." he looked at her in hope.

she huffed. "fine."

that night she made her way to the Room of Requirement, to her surprise to see Seamus in there with Dean.


"welcome back, little sister." Fred and George teased, ruffling her hair.

"stop." she groaned, pushing them off her and finding a spot in between Neville and Luna.

"okay.. what i want you to do is think of your happiest memory. let the memory consume you, then.. Expecto Patronum!" Harry said, a silvery mist shooting out. a giant stag came running around the room. awe's and woah's were heard.

Harry noticed the way (y/n)'s eyes sparkled as she looked at the Patronus. he felt his stomach fill with butterflies.

"now, you guys try it." Harry broke himself out of the trance, walking around the room as charms were shouted from every angle.

(y/n) took a deep breath, focusing on her memories. a smile curved onto her lips when the thought of her and Draco kissing in the rain, those special three words coming out of his mouth.

"Expecto Patronum!" she yelled, silver mist shooting out of her wand. she tried her best to concentrate, but the memory soon faded as flashes of the other day fogged her brain.

"try harder, (y/n)! you're nearly there!" Harry encouraged.

"i'm trying hard enough." she said, visions of the hospital wing filling her mind.

i like you, (y/n).

she let out a small yelp at the sudden voice intrusion in her brain. it sounded exactly like Harry.

"what's wrong?" Neville asked, the room falling silent.

"n-nothing." she stuttered, panic filled eyes looking at Harry to see him staring at her in worry.

"uh, Harry?" Nigel asked.

the door to the Room of Requirement opened, Dobby running in. "Harry Potter!" he yelled out of breath.

"Dobby?" Harry asked confused.

"she- she's coming!" Dobby huffed out.

"Umbridge?" (y/n) asked, her chest heavy.

Dobby nodded.

"what are you waiting for? get out of here!" Harry shouted. (y/n) was the first one out the door, running towards Gryffindor tower and not looking back.

an hour later Harry arrived back in the common room. his face was flushed and it looked like he had seen something he wasn't supposed to.

"what happened?" the redhead asked.

"Malfoy used a tripping jinx on me. Dumbledore is gone." he explained hurriedly.

Ginny and (y/n) shared a look.

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