《My Secret Boyfriend》46


"(y/n)!" Draco yelled, catching the girl as she fell to the grass.

"oh shit.. shit.. shit." Ron kept repeating, grabbing her head. Fred and George came sprinting over, grabbing her feet and torso as Ron lifted her head.

Draco held under her bum, the four of them running to the hospital wing with Harry and Hermione right behind them.

"(y/n)! love.. wake up, please..." Draco begged, his heart in his stomach as he stared at her unconscious face.

"she's not going to wake up, you blithering fool!" Ron scolded, his own voice panicked.

"shut up! this is your fault!" Draco said back as they laid the redhead down on a bed.

"both of you shut up!" Fred snapped as Madam Pomfrey came running over.

"what happened?" she asked quickly, looking over the girl.

"she fainted." George explained.

"has she been drinking enough water?" Madam Pomfrey asked, feeling (y/n)'s forehead.

"no fever.." she said.

"is she going to be alright?" Harry asked, causing Draco to glare at him.

"stop crowding her!" Ginny scolded, walking over.

"she's going to be fine.. just a little dehydration and stress. what caused her to faint?" Madam Pomfrey asked.

Ron and Draco glanced at each other.

"those two idiots were arguing after the Quidditch match." Hermione told the matron.

"that's the reason. all the stress has caused a faint. she'll most likely wake up tomorrow, one person at a time during visiting hours to give her some space." Madam Pomfrey dismissed.

"i'm staying with her first." Draco told everyone, grabbing onto his girlfriend's hand and sitting in a chair.

"fine. one hour only, we take turns." Fred said.

the others left the hospital wing leaving the couple alone.

"(y/n) i'm so sorry. Ron's right.. this is all my fault." the blond sighed.


Draco sat with her for an hour, talking about anything and everything that he could think of. when his time was over, he sluggishly walked out.

Harry snuck into the room, sitting in the chair that Draco was in. "(y/n), i'm sorry for ignoring you. i'm talking to you because even though you aren't dead, it feels weird seeing you unconscious. i guess what i wanted to say was.. er.. i like you, (y/n). and i know you can't hear me right now, i just needed you to understand it; or not. i'll see you tomorrow." Harry said, getting up and exiting the wing.

the next day (y/n) awoke in the morning, and after Madam Pomfrey gave her a potion to drink she was cleared to go.

Draco helped her out of bed and stood outside the girl's lavatory while she showered and changed. the pair walked down to breakfast together.

"what happened again?" she asked tiredly.

"you fainted, love. i was so worried about you." he said, his arm draped along her waist as they walked.

on their way they saw the wall of Educational Decrees. Filch was hammering in a new one. they stood with a crowd watching, their faces dropping when they read what it said.

"they've got to be joking, right?" (y/n) asked in shock.

"i guess we've broken that rule." Draco smirked to himself.

"and we'll break it again." (y/n) winked, sitting down at the Slytherin table and eating breakfast. Draco sat next to her, both of them sitting at the end in the corner of the hall.

minutes into eating sobs were heard from outside. confused, everyone got up to see Trelawney standing in the middle of the entrance hall with trunks next to her.

McGonagall was hugging her tightly as Umbridge stared at them. students gathered around, the entire hall filled with kids.


"you fail to even predict the weather tomorrow-" Umbridge shot at Trelawney.

"i-i c-can't leave! Hogwarts i-is my home!" Trelawney sobbed out.

all of a sudden the giant wood doors opened, Dumbledore walking out fiercely.

"Dolores, what is going on?" he asked.

"since i am High Inquisitor of this school.." Umbridge started but Dumbledore cut her off.

"you have the power to fire my professors but you do not have the power to banish them from the grounds. Minerva, if you could please escort Sybill back to her office." Dumbledore said.

Umbridge's face flushed in anger.

"well then, the Ministry is allowing me to pick the next Divination teacher."

"ah ah. only if the headmaster has not found a suitable teacher, and trust me, i think you'll like this one." Dumbledore smiled brightly.

clicking along the stone floor caused everyone to look away from the professors and towards the noise.

a centaur with white-blond hair and astonishing blue eyes came walking over, causing the girls' jaws to drop.


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