《My Secret Boyfriend》45


(Y/n) sat in the Great Hall during breakfast, owls flying through the window to deliver the post.

she sat next to Neville; who was surprised to see her sitting at the Gryffindor table, and Dean.

Neville grabbed the Daily Prophet, his jaw dropping at the cover page.

(Y/n) and Draco were making facial expressions at each other, grinning widely to themselves. she tore her eyes away from him when she felt Neville tap on her shoulder.

"what, Neville? are you okay?" she asked worriedly, scanning over his face.

"l-look." he muttered out. (Y/n) read the article, her stomach dropping for her friend.

"is she the..?" she trailed off, looking at Bellatrix Lestrange. (Y/n) only knew about Neville's parents from when her and her family went to visit Arthur at St. Mungo's and they so happened to see Neville and his grandmother.

Neville nodded slowly in response, his face eerily pale. (Y/n) made eye contact with Hermione and Ginny, their expressions wide.

"it'll be okay, Neville. we'll get justice for your parents." (Y/n) said, patting him on the back.

a week later the Gryffindors made their way down to the Quidditch Pitch for the game against Hufflepuff.

(Y/n) nervously changed in the locker-room. it was her first real game, and she knew she wouldn't be as good of a Beater as her brothers.

Ron glared at her from the other side of the room, his voice low as he talked to Jack Sloper.

"ready?" Ginny let out a breath.

"yeah." (Y/n) said, her voice sounding unsure and shaky. Ginny weakly smiled at her, exiting the room with Alicia.

she followed them out, a broom in her hand as she walked on the muddy grass.

"(Y/n)!" a voice startled her.

she looked over to see Draco running to her, his face bright as he took her in his arms.


"advice.. keep your eyes on everything. you never know when something is going to happen, alright? i don't want you getting hurt. you're going to do great, okay? i'm proud of you." he told her, pressing kisses to her face as she blushed.

"i love you." she whispered.

"i love you too." he said, kissing her lips one more time before running back up to the stands.

"okay guys, this is it. all our practices have prepared us for this moment.. so please, do good. i'm proud of you all no matter the outcome. but just try to win." Angelina said as they all huddled up.

Angelina and the Hufflepuff captain shook hands. Madam Hooch blew her whistle, fourteen players shooting into the air.

(Y/n) grabbed her bat, prepared to hit the bludgers as Lee Jordan voiced the match.

minutes into the game (Y/n) had managed to hit Zacharias Smith two times. Ron kept missing the goals, causing Hufflepuff to score.

at the end of the match Hufflepuff won two hundred forty to two hundred thirty, thanks to Ginny for catching the Snitch.

(Y/n) angrily flew back to the ground, disappointed in herself and her twin for not working hard enough.

Draco and a few other friends came down onto the field to talk to the players. he kissed his girlfriend's temple, comforting her as she grabbed onto his turtleneck.

"i did so bad." she said, frustrated.

"no you didn't. you did so good, much better than the Slytherin Beaters." he whispered that last part into her ear, causing her to let out a small laugh.

"it's your fault, Malfoy." someone said from behind them.

"what?" Draco asked, narrowing his eyes as he glared at Ron. (Y/n) looked at her twin, wanting nothing more than to go shower and sleep.


"if you weren't dating and snogging my sister all the time then she would have focused more. if you weren't such a prick-" Ron started, stomping up to them. Hermione came running over, trying to calm him down.

"as if this my fault. you're a horrible Keeper! fourteen misses! my dead grandfather can do better than that." Draco replied, his chest rising and falling. (Y/n) could practically feel the steam coming out of his ears as he pushed her slightly out of the way.

"why her? out of all the girls in the school, why my sister?!" Ron asked, shoving Draco.

"stop! you bloody idiot, stop!" (Y/n) said, pushing Ron backwards.

Ron and Draco kept throwing insults back and forth. all the bickering was making (Y/n)'s head spin, her eyes growing heavy.

then suddenly, everything went black.

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