《My Secret Boyfriend》44


Valentine's Day finally arrived. it was the day of the second Hogsmeade trip for the school year, and (Y/n) was beyond disappointed that Angelina called for Quidditch practice all day.

all (Y/n) wanted to do was go to Hogsmeade with Draco and do all the cute things couples do on the day of love.

she sat next to him for breakfast, his hand coming to her thigh and rubbing circles as they ate.

"are you coming into Hogsmeade?" Draco asked, taking a bite of toast.

"no. Angelina wants an all day practice. i'm sure i can sneak away though." (Y/n) sighed.

"well, i know you'll do great. even though you probably suck." he teased, kissing her cheek.

"me? suck? the only thing i suck is-" she paused, laughing so hard her stomach hurt when Draco choked on his toast.

he cleared his throat, shoving her slightly as he smirked.

(Y/n) noticed the time and frowned as she had to get down to the Quidditch Pitch. "i have to go." she said sadly, pressing kisses to Draco's neck before standing up.

he grabbed onto her hand, a frown on his face. "i'll miss you, ugly."

"i'll miss you, arse-face." she winked, exiting the Great Hall. Draco watched as she left, his eyes kept on her bum as she walked.

"has Malfoy gone soft?" Pike grinned teasingly.

"oh, of course he has. for a Weasley." Pansy rolled her eyes disapprovingly.

"shut up, Pansy." Adrian Pucey said from a couple seats away.

"yeah, Pansy. you're just mad Draco never liked you, and would never choose you." Theodore Nott smirked.

"you fucking arseholes! shut your dirty mouths!" Pansy shrieked, causing Draco's face to scrunch up.

"oh, Pansy. if you ever insult my girl again she won't hesitate to kick your arse." Draco wickedly smiled, standing up and leaving.


(Y/n) flew around the pitch, a Bludger in her hand as she threw it at Ginny. Ginny laughed, her broom swerving as she looked for the Snitch.

after a few hours of Quidditch, Angelina dismissed (Y/n) and a few other team mates who were doing well.

the redhead changed and showered quickly, running down to Hogsmeade before it was time for all students to come back.

she ran down the street, looking into every store in hope to see a patch of blond hair. she grinned when she saw him talking to Crabbe and Goyle, his face in disgust as he sniffed a candy.

"gross?" she asked, startling him slightly.

"disgusting." he confirmed, causing her to giggle.

"boys." Draco said to Crabbe and Goyle, who nodded and walked off.

"how was practice? did you fall off your broom?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her.

"you wish. it was alright, Angelina said i'm a good player." she hummed, feeling him kissing her neck as they hugged deeply.

"i wanna get you something." he murmured, grabbing her hand and leading her to a flower shop.

he pulled out a galleon, handing it to the lady at the small booth. she handed him a single rose in return, pocketing the gold coin.

"Dray.." (Y/n) trailed off, taking the rose from him as he smiled at her.

"for you." he said, watching how her eyes sparkled under the street lights.

"thank you." she said, butterflies erupting in both of their stomachs.

they sat on the curb for awhile, enjoying each other's presence as they sipped on tea.

"(Y/n).." Draco said nervously.

"hm?" she hummed, rain beginning to fall onto her face and hair.

"i love you." he rushed out.

"i love you too." she blushed.

Draco felt his cheeks grow warm as they connected their lips. rain began to pour down faster, but the couple didn't dare move.

they were unaware Harry and Hermione were watching them.

"don't they look so in love?" Hermione awed.

"yeah.." Harry murmured under his breath.

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