《My Secret Boyfriend》43


Christmas flew by in a flash for the Weasleys. Arthur returned home from St. Mungo's, and the siblings were now sitting in the Knight Bus waiting to arrive at Hogwarts.

(Y/n) had received books, a green knitted sweater with her initial from her mum, a notepad from Hermione, and a new pair of jeans from Tonks.

she walked with Hermione and Ginny through Hogsmeade as snow fell, their coats pulled firmly to their bodies as Ron and Harry trailed behind them.

"what did you get Draco for Christmas?" Ginny asked.

"oh, uh, a ring. look." she blushed at the sudden question, pulling out a silver circle that had a snake on it.

"woah.. how did you afford that?" Hermione asked, looking closely at the metal.

"Fred and George pitched in a bit, they said take it as my first paycheck for when i work for them." (Y/n) explained.

"you're seriously going to work for our brothers?" Ginny asked, smirking.

"just for a bit during the breaks." she replied.

"does Molly or Arthur know about you and Draco?" Hermione asked as they approached the large castle.

"no, fortunately. i'm surprised Ron hasn't told them." (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

Ginny and Hermione shared a look, walking into the entrance hall. students filled the corridors, laughing and speaking happily about their Christmas break.

the three girls went up to the Gryffindor tower, placed their things down at their bedrooms, and quickly left.

"i'm going to go find, well, you know." (Y/n) said, glaring at Ron and Harry as they were staring at her.

"have fun." Ginny waved, slumping down in a chair.

(Y/n) roamed the corridors in hope to see platinum blond hair. boys and girls were hugging happily, which made the redhead want to find her boyfriend quicker.


she quickened her footsteps, running into someone as she fell onto the floor with a thud.

"bloody hell." she groaned, her tailbone aching.

"watch it, you filthy littl- oh hi, love." the figure said. she glanced up, piercing grey eyes staring at her.

"care to help me up, you wanker?" she asked, accepting his hand as he pulled her up.

"not my fault your clumsy arse ran into me." Draco said, pulling her into a tight hug.

she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing kisses to his lips.

"i missed you." she murmured against his mouth.

"i missed you more. how's your father?" he asked.

"he's doing better. lucky to be alive." she sighed.

"that's good at least, right?" he said.

"yeah.. i guess." she shrugged.

silence fell between them. "i think it's time for us to give our gifts." he broke off.

"okay, you first." she grinned, pulling away from him.

(Y/n) watched as he pulled out a navy blue case, a silver necklace on the inside. she gasped, the letter D in diamonds hanging from the chain.

"Draco.." she trailed off in shock, taking the jewelry from him and inspected it.

"i can't except this.. it must have been so expensive."

"it was alright, nothing father can't afford. not that i went with him to buy it, but please. i got it for you. just think of it as a gift for our five month anniversary along as a Christmas present." he smiled at her, love in his eyes.

"thank you so much." she grinned, giving him a quick kiss. she put the necklace on, tucking the letter under her jumper.

"now.. my gift isn't as grand or extravagant as yours, but i still thought you would appreciate it." she said nervously, pulling out the ring.


"woah.." he mumbled, taking the metal and pulling it up to his eyes.

"how much was this?" he asked in shock.

"none of your concern." she smirked, watching as he slipped it on his middle finger.

"thank you, darling. i love it." he laughed, pulling her in for another kiss.

"good, i was scared you wouldn't." she sighed, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"i'll love anything you get me, because it comes from you." he grinned.

"Draco.." she whispered into his ear.

"hm?" he hummed.

"wanna go fuck in the loo?" she asked.

"bloody hell, you're going to be the death of me, Weasley." he smirked wickedly, slapping her arse as they ran through the corridors.

the couple walked into an abandoned restroom excitedly, a silencing charm being placed as they ripped each other's clothes off.

"i'm going to destroy you." he growled.

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