《My Secret Boyfriend》42


(Y/n) ran down the corridors with her siblings as McGonagall told them Dumbledore will explain everything soon.

"Harry.. what's happening?" Ginny asked as they entered the Headmaster's office.

"your father has been injured in the course of his work for the Order. he is alive and arrived at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries only moments ago." Dumbledore explained.

(Y/n) immediately felt guilt bubble in her stomach. "oh Merlin.." she murmured to herself, the days actions replaying in her mind.

"you, however, are going to Sirius' house until the morning. we're merely waiting for Phineas to return."

a flash of fire came from Fawkes' perch as a single feather fell from the beautiful bird.

"Fawkes's warning. Umbridge knows you're out of bed. Minerva, head her off. tell her anything you can think of." Dumbledore dismissed.

"he says he'll be delighted." a voice from a portrait said, who (Y/n) assumed was Phineas.

"you're going by Portkey." Dumbledore said to the redheads and Harry.

they all grabbed onto the kettle, a second later they landed in the basement kitchen of Number 12, Grimmauld Place.

"there you are." Sirius said.

"we've got to go to St. Mungo's." Ginny told Sirius.

"no, you can't." Sirius replied.

"we can go where we please." George stated.

after a lot of arguing and Harry explaining what happened, Molly arrived back at the house and hugged all her children. (Y/n) sat at the table with her head in her hands, her heart pounding as hot tears slipped from her eyes.

this was all her fault.. her father was in the hospital because of what her and Draco did. she kept repeating in her head.

later on the Weasleys and Harry all changed into sweaters and jeans, making way out of the home with Tonks and Moody.


"(Y/n).. what's wrong?" Tonks asked the redhead as she kept her head low.

(Y/n) looked to make sure no one was listening and leaned into the older woman.

"promise not to tell anyone?" she asked.

"i promise." Tonks gave her word.

"yesterday.. my boyfriend and i, uh, did.. it. and i can't help but feel like this is all my fault this happened to dad." (Y/n) explained shamefully.

"(Y/n), this is not your fault. your actions didn't have anything to do with this, you were just being a teenager. it's okay to do, you-know-what, and the universe isn't going to punish you for it." she said.

"thank you, Tonks." (Y/n) sighed, her mood changing slightly.

"wait.. who's your boyfriend?" Tonks asked, a smirk on her face.

"some other time." (Y/n) laughed slightly, shaking her head as they approached the hospital.

when they finally got into Arthur's room, he laid on his bed reading the Daily Prophet.

"kids!" he gushed happily, setting down the parchment and grabbing his wand. he conjured more chairs, the siblings sitting down.

Fred and George kept pushing on to know more about what their father was doing at the Ministry, while Molly continued to yell at them to stop.

"children, wait outside. tell Tonks and Mad-Eye to come in." Molly dismissed.

they all shuffled outside into the corridor,

(Y/n) tiredly leaning on Fred as Ron and Harry stood as far away from her as possible.

"oh!" George said, pulling stuff out of his pockets. pairs of Extendable Ears came out tangled, his long fingers moving quickly to unwire them.

"everyone take a pair, i hope they work at hospitals.." Fred pursed his lips, the string slipping under the door.

Tonks was just finishing a sentence as Moody began talking.

"i mean, if You-Know-Who is really possessing Harry, then we better keep an eye on him."

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