《My Secret Boyfriend》41


over the next few weeks Ron and Harry continued to ignore (Y/n), which she did not complain because she was far too angry with them.

she sat with the Slytherins for meals, hiding behind Crabbe so she can sit with Draco. she could feel the glares from the Gryffindor table, but frankly she didn't care.

she even stayed with Draco as Hagrid taught the class about Thestrals, which caused Ron and Harry to fume with anger.

Draco's injuries had gotten better and he was now walking completely normal. Pansy Parkinson had become ruder to (Y/n), blinded by jealousy, but it only made the redhead wittier.

"bloody hell this is so much homework." she sighed, sitting in the library with her boyfriend as they worked on essays.

"i'll help you with Potions if you help me with Transfigurations?" he asked, their knees touching. Draco was thoroughly enjoying that they didn't have to hide as much.

"deal." she muttered, beginning to write on the parchment.

"(Y/n) can we ask you something?" Angelina said, standing with Katie and Alicia who gave nasty looks at Draco.

"what's up?" (Y/n) asked.

"well, you know how Fred and George got banned from playing? well Ginny replaced Harry as Seeker but we still need two Beaters.. would you like to be one?"

"oh, uh, sure. i never thought about playing actual Quidditch before, i've only ever played when my brothers wanted, but yeah." (Y/n) nodded. Angelina grinned.

"thank you." she said, walking away with Alicia and Katie.

"my girl, a Beater." Draco teased, pressing a kiss to her temple.

"such a pity i won't be able to play against you. i woulda loved throwing Bludgers at you." she taunted.

"wow." he laughed, shaking his head causing her to giggle.


they sat there enjoying each other's presence, finishing each essay as people came and went in the library. every hour passed causing it to turn darker outside.

Draco had his hand on (Y/n)'s knee, then drifted it up to her thigh, and was now edging closer.

"love..." she mumbled, an ache in her panties.

"yes?" he asked, nibbling on her neck. it now occurred to them they were almost alone.

"you're going to make me horny." she blushed.

"is that a horrible thing?" he smirked.

"you nuisance, let's go." she grinned evilly, stuffing her things in her bag as they practically ran out of the library.

"in here, no ghosts occupy this loo."

"promise?" he said teasingly.

"shut up." she laughed, pulling out her wand and producing a silencing charm.

"is this abandoned?" he muttered, pressing their lips together. he leaned her against the sinks, his hands snaked around her waist as she began to take off his sweater vest.

"yes." she murmured, unbuttoning his shirt.

"wait, (Y/n)." Draco stopped them, his front on display.

"what?" she asked, the aching between her thighs becoming worse and worse as she craved his touch.

"are you sure you want this?" he asked.

"yes, Draco. i'm ready, are you?" she requestioned.

"so ready." he breathed, reconnecting their lips as they continued to discard each other's clothing.

"no time for foreplay, please. i need you, darling." she let out, opening her legs to reveal her dripping center.

"holy, Merlin. you're so beautiful." he said in awe, bending down slightly as he licked up her slit.

"Draco, fuck." she moaned, her legs twitching.

"so needy for me, love. want me to fill you up? want me to take this pretty little pussy?" he smirked, removing his trousers and boxers.


"please." she begged, her eyes transfixed on his length.

"ask me." he said, taking his tie and tying it around her hands.

"please, Draco. please take me, have all of me." she whimpered.

"good girl." he said, slowly entering her inch by inch.

"taking me so well, i can feel you stretching. such a good girl. it's almost all in, okay?" he reassured her, pressing kisses to her face.

"fuck." she panted, her nails clawing down his abdomen.

"look at that, baby. you did it." he grinned, his face twisting in pleasure at their closeness.

"move, Draco, please." she pleaded.

"tell me if you want to go slower, okay?" he said, making her nod in need as he began to thrust his hips.

pants, groans, and moans came from their mouths as he quickened his pace.

"such a little whore. so desperate for me, huh, baby?" he smirked, taking his thumb and rubbing circles along her clit.

"only for you." she moaned, her eyes closing as his free hand wrapped around her thigh.

"good fucking girl." he said, his dick twitching as his stomach began to tighten.

"i'm gonna cum, Dray." she let out. Draco looked at his girlfriend, her hair falling over her chest as her head was thrown back in pleasure.

"cum, my slut. such a gorgeous girl, cum, now." he demanded, feeling her walls convulse around him.

she let out whimpers as she came, connecting her lips once more as they made out furiously. just before Draco was about to cum, he pulled out, jerking himself as he came all over her pubic bone.

"shit." he groaned, watching as she dipped her finger in his sperm and brought it up to her mouth.

after they got all cleaned up and redressed, they exited the bathroom together with smirks on their faces.

"was that your first?" she asked.

"yep." he said.

"i'll see you tomorrow?" she asked, pressing a kiss to his lips as she waddled back to the Gryffindor tower. inside the common room sat Neville, Dean, and Seamus.

"uh, (Y/n)?" Dean asked.

"what?" she hummed, her legs hurting as she shook.

"why are you wearing a Slytherin tie?" Dean asked. (Y/n) blushed.

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