《My Secret Boyfriend》40


"wait... love?" Ron said, his nostrils flaring angrily.

(Y/n) felt her heart drop as she looked up. Ron, Fred, and the Gryffindors were looking at her in anger.

"i..i can explain. but please, let me take him to the hospital wing."

"i'll take him to the hospital wing." Snape said from next to her, helping Draco up.

Draco gave her a pleading look, his nose dripping blood as he limped with Snape.

"explain, now." Ginny said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"okay.." she began at the very beginning, telling every step (minus the making out).

Fred rubbed his eyes, trying to diffuse his rage. "George is going to be more disappointed than me." he said.

"it's just.. after everything he's done to us? to you?" Ginny asked.

(Y/n) stayed quiet. "i knew it!" Hermione spoke up, causing Ron's eyes to widen.

"you knew?" all the Weasleys said at the same time.

"i mean, we already knew she was sneaking off with someone. and last year when Draco was holding onto her, then when Peeves told us it finally made me realize. they're secret lovers." Hermione concluded.

"how long?" Ron asked.


"how long?" he demanded.

"almost two months of it being official, almost a year of flirting." she breathed, her chest becoming heavy.

Ron began to stomp away, throwing his broom down onto the grass. "Ron-" (Y/n) began to go after him, but Luna held her back.

"don't. he needs time to process it." her dreamy voice explained.

"Harry is going to be fuming. he's already been snappy." Angelina said.

"bloody hell, i'm so sorry." (Y/n) began to sob. all her emotions finally got the best of her, and her heart began to quicken at the thought of her parents finding out.


"mum and dad are going to disown me, or worse, kill me." she panicked, her knees becoming wobbly. Fred caught her, rubbing her arm gently to calm her down.

"it's okay.. shh.. it's alright." Hermione whispered in her ear.

(Y/n) began wiping her tears. "i'm so sorry." she said.

"it's okay. you can't help who you fall for, trust me." Ginny gave her a sad smile.

"i don't deserve you guys." (Y/n) murmured, feeling the arms of her siblings, Hermione, Angelina, Alicia, Katie, and Luna.

"you don't, that's for bloody sure." Fred joked, causing them all to laugh.

"go back to your common rooms." Madam Hooch instructed.

the Gryfinndors made their way back to the tower, walking inside the portrait hole to be met with Ron who was with Harry and George.

Harry and George looked at (Y/n), shook their heads, and then glanced at the others. "Umbridge banned us from playing Quidditch. you too, Fred." George said.

"what?" Fred asked in shock.

"how could you?" Harry asked the redhead suddenly, causing her to jump.

"Harry can we talk about this some other time?" she asked nervously.

"you've been lying to all of us for a blimmin' year and you want to talk about this some other time?! you're pathetic." Harry spat.

"mate, back off." Fred said protectively.

"fuck you, Harry. you have no right to talk to me like that, what, just because you're the chosen one? bullshit. if you didn't have that scar on your forehead you would be nothing." (Y/n) shot back angrily.

Harry quickly felt his temper rise. "you're banned from Dumbledore's Army."

"fine! i didn't wanna join that stupid fucking group anyway!" she yelled, stomping up the stairs to the girls dormitory.

"Harry's right." Ron said.

"Ronald, you two are so dimwitted." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"trust me, we're all upset too. but you have to give her a break. you can't chose who you fall in love with." Ginny said.

Harry and Ron rolled their eyes.

"she is dating my enemy!" Harry sided.

"is she dating you-know-who?" George asked.

"no." Harry inhaled sharply.

"then she is not dating your enemy."

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