《My Secret Boyfriend》39


after the first meeting of Dumbledore's Army, the team had proceeded to meet more every week. Harry was an excellent teacher, and said (Y/n) was already making good progress.

it was now the Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch match, (Y/n) making her way down to the stands with Ginny and Hermione. Luna followed behind them, her large lion hat roaring loudly.

"Merlin, i'm so nervous." (Y/n) muttered, her scarf wrapped tightly around her neck with her gloved hands rubbing together to create warmth.

"i just know the Slytherins are up to something. did you see the pin they made?" Hermione asked.

"Weasley is our king?" Ginny asked.

Hermione nodded, gritting her teeth uneasily.

the Slytherin team finally came walking out, Draco's eyes searching the stands. he smirked to himself when he made eye contact with his girlfriend of almost three months.

"i bet Malfoy has a plan. dirty cheat." Ginny rolled her eyes. "yeah.." (Y/n) whispered, not noticing the look Hermione and Ginny shared.

she had been to busy gawking over Draco, how he looked in his Quidditch robes. he definitely looked a lot better now that she actually likes the blond.

"there's Gryffindor!" Hermione said, pointing at the team who came walking out.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle, the fourteen players zooming into the air. Lee Jordan narrated the match.

(Y/n) kept her eyes on Draco, watching as he looked around the arena in hopes to see the Snitch before Harry.

"Johnson has the Quaffle! oh, Pucey now has the Quaffle! and Slytherin scores!" Lee Jordan groaned into the loud phone.

the Slytherins erupted into cheers, Pansy Parkinson conducting their song. "Weasley is our king" they sang in union.

"oh bloody hell." (Y/n) groaned angrily, her blood boiling as Pansy gave her a smug grin from across the way.


Harry dove suddenly, everyone standing on the balls of their feet in anticipation. Draco was right on his tail, both their hands reaching for the Snitch.

Harry's fingers gripped the little gold ball, causing the Gryffindors to scream loudly in praise.

a Bludger came hurtling towards Harry knocking him off his broom. he fell a few feet from the ground on his back with a thud.

"come on!" Hermione said, grabbing onto

(Y/n) as the redhead grabbed Ginny. they ran down onto the pitch to over hear Draco talking.

Alicia, Katie, and Angelina were all holding tightly onto Fred. Harry was gripping onto George, the twins looking determined to kill the blond.

"or perhaps, you can remember what your mother's house stank like, Potter, and Weasley's pigsty reminds you of it-"

Harry accidentally let go of George, both of them stomping up to Draco.

"Harry, George! no!" (Y/n) shouted, breaking into a sprint as Harry punched Draco in the stomach.

"stop!" she screamed, the girls wailing in fright.

"Impedimenta!" Madam Hooch flicked her wand, George and Harry flying backwards.

"what do you think you're doing?" she asked, walking over quickly.

(Y/n) felt her eyes fill with tears as she saw Draco curled up onto the wet grass, clutching his stomach as his nose bled profusely.

"oh, Draco. are you okay?" Pansy asked, beginning to bend down.

"get the fuck away from him!" (Y/n) shouted angrily, pushing her backwards. Pansy looked at her in horror, her robes all muddy.

"Draco, love, are you alright?" (Y/n) asked, getting on her knees as she pet his hair.

"i've never seen behavior like it- back up to the castle, both of you, and straight to your Head of House's office! go! now!" Madam Hooch yelled.

Draco nuzzled into (Y/n)'s lap, moaning in pain as he gripped her hand tightly.

"wait... love?" Ron said, his nostrils flaring angrily.

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