《My Secret Boyfriend》38


walking slowly through the corridors to Potions, (Y/n) slugged her feet as her shoulders ached from carrying her heavy bag. the leather strap was pushing on her skin, her arms hurting from switching sides every five minutes.

her hair was up in a messy bun as she over heard Draco talking outside of Snape's classroom.

"i mean, if it's a question of influence with the Ministry i don't think they've got much of a chance. from what my father says, they've been looking for an excuse to sack Arthur Weasley for years.. and as for Potter, my father says it's a matter of time before the Ministry has him carted off to St. Mungo's.. apparently they've got a special ward for people whose brains have been addled by magic.." he trailed off.

(Y/n) felt a jab at her heart as she made eye contact with her boyfriend, his smirk dropping at the sadness on her face.

"Neville no!" Harry yelled, startling the students as Neville stocked past him, trying to get at Malfoy.

Harry and Ron grabbed ahold of Neville, but unfortunately his arms were flailing around. the tall boy accidentally hit (Y/n) in the nose, blood pouring out as a horrible pain shot through her face.

she heard everyone let out a gasp as she fell back slightly, taken for surprise at Neville as Ron and Harry gaped at her.

"did you just hit my sister?!" Ron said angrily.

Draco tried to march up, Crabbe and Goyle holding him back. "don't you fucking touch her!" he yelled at Neville, spitting towards the Gryffindor who was staring in shock. Ron glared at Malfoy confusedly.

"(Y/n).. i'm so sorry.. oh my.. i'm so.." Neville rambled.

"what's going on?" Snape interrupted, his black eyes roaming the chaos suspiciously.


"Miss Weasley did you trip?" he asked.

"no." she replied annoyed.

"Mr Malfoy will you escort Weasley to the hospital wing?" Snape asked. Draco nodded, his chest heaving furiously. he grabbed her wrist, guiding her away from the corridor as she held onto her nose.

"fuck, it hurts." she groaned.

"i'm going to kill him." Draco said through gritted teeth.

"no, you're not. it was an accident." she rolled her eyes.

"he shouldn't have-"

"you shouldn't have been throwing around insults." she concluded. he let out an annoyed sigh, knowing she was right.

"i'm sorry for talking about your father." he murmured.

"it's okay." she said in response, walking into the hospital wing.

"oh, what happened?" Madam Pomfrey asked, sitting her down on a bed.

"i accidentally got hit." she explained. Draco sat next to her, both his hands clutching her left hand.

"good thing this is an easy thing to fix. your nose is broken." Pomfrey explained, grabbing her wand.

"okay, this is going to feel weird for a few moments. Episkey!" she flicked her wand forward.

(Y/n) felt her nose become very warm, then instantly cold as the bone cracked. "all better. here, use these rags to clean up the blood." Madam Pomfrey handed her the small towels, walking away.

"are you okay?" Draco asked, watching her press the rag against her nose.

"yeah, thanks." she sighed, happy the pain was gone.

"i'll carry your bag for you back to Snape's room." he said, grabbing the light brown leather.

"thank you." she replied, letting out a yawn.

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