《My Secret Boyfriend》37


snow filled the streets of Hogsmeade as (Y/n) pulled her layers of clothes tighter to her. wearing a turtleneck, sweater, and jacket with a maroon beanie Hermione knitted her she tried not to freeze.

Ron, Hermione, and Harry walked with her all the way to the Hog's Head. Ron opened the door to the small pub, dust and cobwebs filling the tiny building. they made their way to a couple seats, waiting for the arrival of the other students.

she had woken up angry because a fresh pimple was on her cheek. moments later a large group of students came in.

she grinned at Ginny as the youngest Weasley stood with Michael Corner, her boyfriend from Ravenclaw.

"hi, (Y/n)." a dreamy voice caught her attention.

"hi, Luna." (Y/n) smiled at the blonde. (Y/n) and Luna had gotten along ever since Ginny introduced them last year.

about thirty minutes passed between bickering (mostly between Ron and Zacharias Smith from Hufflepuff) the group decided to meet once a week for a Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson from Harry.

(Y/n) signed her name off, exiting the pub with a small cough. she checked her watch to see it was almost time to head over to the Three Broomsticks where she was meeting Draco.

she sat down at the table in the back corner, slipping her jacket and beanie off. she played with her hair nervously, her leg bouncing as the seconds passed.

the chime on the door made her look up immediately, seeing the grumpy face of her boyfriend as his lips chattered.

"what's wrong?" she asked, taking his freezing hands into her slightly warmer ones as he sat down across from her.

"stupid Crabbe threw a snowball and it hit me." he rolled his eyes, running his thumb over her knuckles.


"well Crabbe has never been the brightest."

(Y/n) said.

"smarter than you." Draco grinned teasingly. (Y/n) shot him a hurt look.

"i see how it is, Ferret Boy." she joked causing him to laugh and shake his head.

"what can i get for you two?" the waitress asked.

"two warm butterbeers please, thank you."

(Y/n) smiled warmly at the lady with dark black hair. she smiled back with a nod, walking away.

"i can't believe it's bloody October and it's snowing like mad." (Y/n) sighed.

"i know. but when is it ever warm?" Draco replied.

"true." the redhead responded when the waitress placed the drinks on the table.

"oh shit." (Y/n) said, her eyes growing wide when she saw Fred and George walking in with Lee Jordan.

"what?" Draco asked quickly.

"get under the table, please. my brothers just walked in." she explained, pushing him under the wood.

"(Y/n)!" George called out. the three of them walked over brightly.

"want to see what we got from Zonko's?" Lee asked excitedly.

"maybe another time." (Y/n) said anxiously.

"why do you have two butterbeers?" Fred asked.

"uh, because i enjoy them so much?" she answered, sounding unsure.

"hm." Fred hummed.

(Y/n) snapped her knees together when she let out a small yelp. Draco had softly bit down on her inner thigh.

"you alright?" George asked suspiciously.

"yes. i think i've got a bit of a cramping issue." she said, fake clutching her stomach. the boys' faces curled in disgust.

"alright. we'll see you soon little sister." Fred replied. George and Lee followed him out.

Draco crawled back up from the table with a smirk on his face. "you wanker!" she scolded.

"what?" he grinned knowingly. she rolled her eyes.

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