《My Secret Boyfriend》36


after a long day of Divination, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark arts, and Care of Magical Creatures, (Y/n) stuffed chicken into her mouth hungrily as her eyes ached from exhaustion.

Snape had given her a B on the moonstone essay, Umbridge had observed Trelawny, McGonagall, and Grubbly-Plank. all (Y/n) wanted to do was to curl by a fire and cuddle with her boyfriend, but she knew they couldn't.

after Moaning Myrtle caught them in the bathroom, Draco had threatened her to keep their secret. it took a lot of convincing, and after Myrtle had an emotional breakdown about how rude Draco was, she obliged.

she talked with Fred and George at dinner, all of them shoving the delicious food down their throats. "we're telling you, little sister. the world isn't ready for what we have coming for it." George grinned at Fred.

"you have to at least let me work there every now and then." (Y/n) said.

"we'll consider it." Fred winked.

"arseholes." she murmured, taking a bite of pudding.

after dinner (Y/n) walked up to the common room sluggishly, her shoulders aching from carrying around her heavy bag. she threw it down on the floor after giving the Fat Lady the password, slumping onto the couch.

(Y/n) had been half asleep when she heard Harry come walking in. his hand had been bleeding furiously, wrapped in a bandage.

"was that from Umbridge's detention?" she yawned.

"yes." Harry answered shortly, stomping up to bed. she rolled her eyes, not wanting to move from the cozy couch.

just as she was about to doze off completely, the portrait hole opened once more. she lazily peaked an eye open, but shot up completely when a blond head of hair smiled down at her.

"looking quite.. cozy. can i join?" he smirked.


"Draco? what are you doing? you can't-"

"shhh. everyone's asleep." he whispered, laying down next to her.

"how did you even get in here?" she mumbled, laying her head on his shoulder as she cuddled up to him.

"i heard Potter say it." he said, slipping off his shoes.

"you shouldn't be in here. what if someone wakes up?"

"stop worrying." he replied, pressing a quick kiss to her lips.

she hummed in response, another yawn escaping her as she closed her eyes. he smelled like green apples, faintly of cologne, and peppermint.

"i can't believe you snuck in here for me."

(Y/n) whispered.

"i know when my girl needs to be with me." he said, pulling her closer on the two person sofa.

"go to bed." he whispered, placing kisses along her face.

"hm." she hummed again. moments later Draco heard light snoring, causing him to grin to himself as he watched the stars outside the window.

he continued kissing her face, smelling her shampoo and a small hint of vanilla. Draco let out a yawn, his eyes slowly closing as he drifted off.

(Y/n) stirred in her sleep, something tickling her nose. she rubbed it slightly, not wanting to open her eyes. the sunlight caused her to be warmer, finally snapping her eyes open.

Fred and George were giggling, the backside of a quill tickling her nose. "you bloody arses." she snapped, realizing Draco was gone.

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