《My Secret Boyfriend》35


"finally a Saturday." (Y/n) yawned, stretching her arms as she tried to wake herself up.

"Ron and Harry still haven't finished their homework." Hermione shook her head, slipping on some clothes.

"let them fail their O.W.L.s then." (Y/n) replied, changing out of her pajamas and into baggy jeans with a sweater.

"they're so irresponsible." Hermione rambled on as the two made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

they sat down together, joining Ron who stuffed bacon into his mouth.

"(Y/n)?" Ron asked, food flying out of his mouth.

"you're disgusting. what?" she asked, taking a bite of toast.

"why did Peeves tell me he saw you sobbing into Malfoy's arms a few days ago?" he said suddenly.

(Y/n) choked on her food, drawing attention to herself as she coughed viciously and tears formed in her eyes.

"huh?" she rasped out, slurping down pumpkin juice as her nose and throat burned.

"why did-"

"i heard you, Ronald. it's Peeves, is he really trustworthy?" she rephrased.

"i guess you're right." Ron nodded in agreement, but Hermione raised her eyebrows at (Y/n) as Harry came walking over.

after lunch (Y/n) made her way down to the Quidditch pitch to watch the Gryffindor practice. she sat on the third bench, opening her homework and getting started.

moments later Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy came walking over as they sat on the highest bench. Draco smirked at (Y/n), who hadn't looked up, an evil idea coming to mind.

"Weasley!" he shouted, startling her slightly as she dropped her parchment on the floor.

picking it up annoyed, she turned around to glare at who yelled at her.

"what?" she snapped, her stomach twisting when she saw Draco grinning at her, a pink tint to his cheeks as Pansy shrieked with laughter.


"shut your mouth, pug-face." (Y/n) rolled her eyes. Pansy immediately stopped laughing, mumbling insults under her breath.

"what do you want, Malfoy?" she asked, the butterflies in her stomach making her knees weak. the way his hair fell over his forehead, his smirk, the amusement in his eyes, she couldn't help but ache for his touch.

"come here." he licked his lips.

"no." she blushed as Pansy gave him a confused look.


cautiously picking up her stuff, she moved up the wooden benches until she was face to face with Draco.

"what do you want?" she asked.

"guys, go away. i'll meet you later." Draco dismissed his squad. Pansy huffed, stomping away with Crabbe and Goyle.

"hi love." he grinned, watching as she sat a reasonable distance away from him.

"hi." she smiled.

"are you doing the essay for Sprout?" he asked.

"yeah." she sighed.

"i can give you mine." he said.

"i couldn't ask you that-"

"it's alright, i know Herbology isn't your strong suit." he teased.

"you're a lifesaver, Dray." she sighed happily, placing her parchments and quills next to her so she can watch the practice peacefully. Ron kept dropping the Quaffle.

"guess what?"

"huh?" Draco hummed.

"Peeves told Ron he saw me crying into your arms." she said, picking at her finger nails.

"oh." he mumbled, tapping his fingers against the wood.


"anyways.. wanna go make out?" he smirked.

"why not." she shrugged, grabbing her essays and walking out of the stands. Draco followed quickly behind, trying not to make it obvious, and they found an abandoned bathroom on the second floor.

(Y/n) placed her stuff down on the sink, grinning when she felt Draco placed his hands on her jaw to cup her face. she wrapped her arms around his waist, feeling him press his lips to hers.


they kissed passionately, Draco slipping his tongue in her mouth as he pushed her against the sinks. she moaned slightly, tugging at his hair.

(Y/n) and Draco were standing pressed against each other, begging for more closeness. deciding to take it a step further and be bold, he placed his hand around her neck and gave it a small squeeze. gasping, she pulled him even closer as butterflies formed once more in her stomach.

"oh!" a high pitched voice startled them, causing the couple to jump away from each other.

"that was quite, entertaining." Moaning Myrtle winked.

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