《My Secret Boyfriend》34


(Y/n) walked down the corridor with Harry to Umbridge's office. "what do you reckon she'll make us do?" she asked.

Harry shrugged. "dunno. but i hope she'll let me off Friday, Angelina is up my arse about going to Keeper tryouts."

"you know how stressful being Quidditch Captain is, though. i mean Oliver was way harder on you i'm sure."

"yeah, i guess you're right." Harry sighed, knocking on the door.

"come in." a squeaky voice said.

the Gryffindors entered, immediately shocked by the amount of pink. lace, flowers, and cats filled the circular room.

"nice office." (Y/n) muttered under her breath, causing Harry to smirk.

"have a seat, you two." Umbridge said, a wicked grin on her toad-like face.

(Y/n) picked the seat closest to the window, hoping the rain will distract her.

"you two are going to be doing lines tonight." Umbridge said, sitting down in her velvet chair.

(Y/n) and Harry made a reach for their bags, but quickly stopped when Umbridge hummed. "no, with my quills."

"ma'am, you haven't given us any ink." (Y/n) piped up, already annoyed by the short woman.

"you won't be needing ink." she grinned.

"what do you want us to write?" Harry asked.

"you will write i must not tell lies."

"until when?" Harry asked.

"until it sinks it."

(Y/n) cautiously made a mark on the paper, her first sentence done. a sharp pain in her hand caused her to hiss, looking down at the irritated skin. Harry and her made eye contact, both their eyes wide.

as she continued writing lines, her hand continued to sear in pain. blood trickled down her wrist and onto the paper as she wrote faster than Harry out of habit, tears stinging her eyes.


"miss Weasley have you learned your lesson?" Umbridge asked over her stack of essays.

"yes ma'am." (Y/n) whispered, looking at her bloodied scar.

"you may leave."

(Y/n) wasted no time in standing up, her lip beginning to tremble as she exited the office and into the corridor.

she had no clue what time it was, darkness flooding the windows. the only source of light was the candles hanging on the walls.

she tried to hold her tears in, sniffling slightly as she turned the corner. footsteps were heard from behind her as she kept her gaze on her feet.


she whipped her head around, looking in the pale eyes of her boyfriend. his face looked worried as he walked up to her.

"oh, Draco." she sobbed, practically throwing herself into his arms. he caught her, lowering them to the ground as he held her tightly.

"shh, it's okay, you're alright. you're safe with me." he cooed, rubbing her back soothingly.

"she.. she.." she choked out.

"it's okay, darling. take your time." he whispered, feeling her cling onto him.

"look at what she did." she sniffled, showing him her hand. his stomach dropped slightly, taking her wrist gently so he can inspect it.

"Umbridge did this?" he asked shocked.

"she made us write lines, but every line we wrote it would carve into our skin." she explained, wiping away her tears.

"oh, sweetheart. i'm so sorry." he frowned, pressing her closer to him.

"i hate that woman, Draco. she's vile.. and cruel.. and, and.." she trailed off, her mind going blank.

"i have to go work on homework, love. thank you." she said, kissing his cheek before standing up and leaving him alone in the corridor.

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