《My Secret Boyfriend》33


(Y/n) sat down in Defense Against the Dark Arts tiredly, jumping slightly when a high pitched voice interrupted them.

"put your wands away and take out a quill." the toad-like woman wearing a bright fluffy cardigan instructed.

"now, your Defense Against the Dark Arts education has been rather fragmented and disjointed in your past classes, hasn't it?

"well.. know now that this is about to be rectified. i will be following a pre-approved Ministry-prepared, theory-centered defense plan." Umbridge smiled widely to the students.

she waved her small wand towards the blackboard, chalk writing appearing.

"copy this down."

(Y/n) zoned out for the rest of her talking, snapping back into reality when Harry spoke up.

"what about Lord Voldemort?" he asked, the class flinching slightly.

"ten points from Gryffindor, Mr Potter. let me get the record straight, some of you have been told that a certain dead wizard has returned. this is a lie."

"it is NOT a lie!" Harry yelled.

"Mr Potter, you have just landed yourself a detention!" Umbridge widened her eyes angrily.

"so, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead? or are you calling me a murderer?" Harry asked.

"the boy's death was a tragic accident." Umbridge pressed her lips together tightly.

"it was a murder! Harry saw it happen!" (Y/n) spoke up, her own blood boiling at the walking candy.

Umbridge now turned to look at the redhead, as did the rest of the class. "Miss.."

"Weasley." (Y/n) answered shortly.

"Miss Weasley.. you have now bought yourself a detention with Mr Potter."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, muttering bloody wanker under her breath as Umbridge turned around to scribble something down on a note.

"Potter, take this to Professor McGonagall." she said, her voice high again.


after class, (Y/n) practically stomped out of the door and all the way to dinner. "nice going, you git." Ron scolded his sister, sitting down next to her.

"whatever." she groaned, picking at her food.

"what is she going to make us do? add pink fluff to her cardigan?" she rambled on angrily. Draco caught her eye, raising his eyebrows one time to signal to meet him one hour after supper.

when dinner ended she made her way to the common room, placing her stuff down next to the couch.

"wanna see something neat?" Dean asked, sitting next to her. a circular shaped box was in his hands.

"what is that?" (Y/n) asked, fumbling with the black box.

"it's a CD player. look." Dean explained, taking the device from her and pressing a button. immediately, music started to play from the small item.

"how does it do that?" she asked with interest, inspecting it.

"well these buttons tell you what to do. pause, play, skip, rewind, you know." Dean shrugged.

"the song i have playing right now is called Beautiful Boy by John Lennon. he died fifteen years ago.." he trailed off.

"Dean... do you mind if i borrow your box?" she asked excitedly.

"oh, sure. just for a little bit though, i use it to help me do homework." Dean smiled at her.

"thank you. i'll return it back later tonight." she grinned, grabbing the black box and walking out of the common room.

she passed a couple second years on the way down to the broom closet in the entrance hall, looking around before entering the small room.

"hi." Draco grinned at her in the darkness, the only sense of light coming from the small window above the shelves.


"hi." she smiled, taking in his cologne.

"i wanna show you something." she suggested, pulling out the CD player.

"this is a CD player. Dean let me borrow it." she explained, letting him see the box.

"your mudblood friend gave you this?"

"don't call people that, Malfoy." she said sternly, taking the item back as if it was delicate.

Draco rolled his eyes. "what does it do?"

"it plays music. listen." she said, pressing the button with an arrow on it. Beautiful Boy started playing again, the soft music making (Y/n) grin.

"the song is called Beautiful Boy by John Lemon? what a strange last name.."

"so, Malfoy, will you dance with me in this broom closet?" she asked nervously.

Draco immediately blushed. "sure, but i won't enjoy it." he teased, placing his arms around her waist as she did the same to his neck.

their foreheads pressed together, the sweet melody consuming their bodies. silence fell between them, the only sound coming from the CD player.


"hm?" she hummed, her eyes closed.

"will you be my girlfriend?"

"of course." she whispered in response, pressing her lips against his. they kissed quickly.

"we have to keep it a secret. my brothers can't know right now."

"alright. my parents would kill me, also." Draco agreed.

"keep acting like we hate each other, but we'll meet up here every night, okay?"

"mhm." he hummed in agreement.

"okay." she sighed, letting her fingers play with the hairs at the nape of his neck.

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