《My Secret Boyfriend》32


(Y/n) sat down in a compartment with a sigh, running her hands through her hair as Harry filed in next to her with Ginny, Luna and Neville.

(Y/n) had a strong feeling of that Harry was jealous Ron and Hermione had gotten picked to be prefects, after his behavior the previous night at the party.

deciding not to bring it up, she watched as the train started moving quickly out of the station. "how long do you reckon it's gonna take them?" she yawned.

"dunno." Harry shrugged, leaning against the window.

a hour later the door to the compartment opened and Ron and Hermione shuffled inside.

"i'm starving." Ron groaned, taking (Y/n)'s chocolate frog and biting off the head.

"you arsehole!" she cursed, throwing the wrapper at him.

"you guys will never believe who the Slytherin prefects are." Hermione scoffed.

"Draco Malfoy and that pig Pansy Parkinson." she told them. Harry's jaw dropped, as did

(Y/n)'s. "Pansy is gonna give me detention upon detention!" she groaned, rolling her eyes.

"who's Hufflepuff?" Harry asked.

"Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott."


"Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil." Ron explained, licking the chocolate off his fingers.

(Y/n) slumped into her seat. Draco, a prefect? she giggled at the thought. she had been all to excited and nervous to see her, well, friend?

the door reopened, and standing in the doorway was Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"what?" Harry snapped.

"manners, Potter, or i'll have to give you a detention." he grinned wickedly. (Y/n) couldn't help but eye him up and down, watching his hair fall neatly in his eyes.

"you see, i, unlike you, have been made a prefect, which means that i, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments."


"yeah, but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone." Harry rolled his eyes.

"tell me, how does it feel being second-best to Weasley, Potter?" Draco asked.

"shut up, Malfoy." (Y/n) said sharply.

"don't you sass me, young lady. or else i might have to give you a personal detention." Draco smirked, sending a wink to the ginger as she blushed profusely.

"get out!" Ron shouted angrily, standing up as Draco left with Crabbe and Goyle.

"i swear i am going to beat up the bloody-"

"calm down, Ron." Hermione cut him off, her neck bright pink.

once the train had arrived at the Hogsmeade station, they all scrambled out of the compartment and onto the platform. Ron was holding onto Pigwidgeon's cage as Harry was clutching Hedwig's tightly.

the four of them walked down the platform when footsteps were heard behind them.

"i'm surprised the Ministry is letting you walk free, Potter. better enjoy it while you can.. i expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Draco growled.

(Y/n) jumped slightly at his words, her eyes continuing to trail down his black on black suit.

"just.. just stay away from me!" Harry yelled, getting held onto by Ron as he lunged towards Malfoy.

Draco made a look at (Y/n), raising his eyebrows as to telepathically tell her to follow him.

"what did i tell you? complete nutter.." Draco scoffed, walking ahead to get a carriage.

"i'm gonna go see if i can find, uh, Lavender.." (Y/n) said not to surely, picking up her pace as she passed the trio. Crabbe and Goyle were standing outside a black stagecoach.

she ran up to them, looking around before jumping in. Draco grinned at her as she entered. "hello, love."


"Malfoy.." she smiled warmly as the stagecoach started moving.

"are Crabbe and Goyle not joining us?" she asked, blushing slightly that they were alone.

"i told them to ride with Pug face and Blaise." Draco smirked slightly, pulling down the sleeves of his suit slightly.

"aw, just for me?" she teased, placing her stuff down next to her.

"course." he grinned, taking his pale hand and moving it up to the back of her hair, pressing a kiss to her soft lips.

"mm" she hummed, taking ahold of his shoulders as he pressed her into the seat.

"i missed you." he whispered.

"i missed you too, Malfoy."

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