《My Secret Boyfriend》31


(Y/n) sat with Ron and Hermione, waiting anxiously for Harry to arrive. "how angry do you think he's going to be?" she asked, tapping her fingers against her thigh.

"very." Hermione mumbled, jumping slightly when the door opened quickly.

"Harry!" Hermione jumped up to her feet, pulling the brunette into a tight hug.

"let him breathe, Hermione." Ron scolded.

"oh, Harry! we've missed you! are you furious with us? i bet you are."

"Hermione!" said Ron.

"good to see you, mate." Ron mumbled.

"hi, Harry.." (Y/n) softly smiled at him.

after a long screaming match, mostly from Harry, the three of them finally got through to his head on why they couldn't write to him.

"Fred!" (Y/n) jumped, startled when her older siblings apparated into the room. he had tugged slightly on her hair, shoving things into his pockets.

"i reckon you two passed?" Harry asked the older twins.

"with flying cars." Fred and George grinned.

"oh, hi, Harry!" Ginny came into the room, her cheeks slightly pink.

"hi, Ginny." Harry gave her a slight smile.

"so, is Bill apart of the Order?" Harry asked, sitting on the bed with Hermione and the gingers.

"Bill and Charlie." (Y/n) nodded, her bangs now fully grown and even with her other hair.

"what about Percy?" Harry asked. the redheads flinched slightly at the mention of their older sibling.

"Percy uh, Percy isn't exactly on speaking terms with us." Ron explained.

"how come?" Harry furrowed his brows.

"you see, Percy got promoted at the Ministry. and obviously, the Ministry doesn't believe You-Know-Who is back, so he and dad got into it, and Percy said some pretty nasty things. he said that he has had to work his whole career based on dad's reputation and stuff. so he packed his bags and moved here to London." Fred explained.


"mum went and visited him, but he slammed the door in her face." George added angrily.

after the meeting, Molly came and got all the kids for dinner. they ate peacefully, (Y/n) sitting with Tonks, Ginny, and Hermione. Tonks was switching her nose to anything they could think of, the four girls laughing at the end of the table.

by the end of dinner, everyone sat with full stomachs peacefully. until, Molly and Sirius started to get into a very heated argument about whether Harry should know more about the Order of the Phoenix.

"and you looked after him? you were in Azkaban for twelve years!" Molly shot angrily. the whole room switched demeanors, everyone becoming uncomfortable.

"come on, Molly. Harry is old enough to make his own decisions." Lupin sided with Sirius.

"fine. since i'm clearly out ruled here, but don't over tell him! kids to bed!" Molly glared at her children and Hermione.

"mum! George and i are adults!" Fred reminded her. "fine. Ron, Ginny, (Y/n), Hermione, bed. now." Molly said.

"mum, Harry is going to tell us everything anyways, right, Harry?" (Y/n) looked at Harry pleadingly.

"right." Harry nodded at Molly.

Molly huffed. "right then, you three can stay. Ginny up to bed, now!" Ginny groaned, stomping up the stairs as Harry fired questions away at Sirius.

Sirius explained everything to Harry, before Molly cut them off once more. "okay. it's too late, you've explained too much. up to bed."

the six teenagers made their way to their bedrooms, Hermione and (Y/n) joining Ginny in the medium sized bedroom.

(Y/n) tiredly changed into her pjs, walking over to her bed to see a letter addressed to her.

"what's that?" Hermione yawned.

"dunno." (Y/n) said, ripping open the envelope Pigwidgeon had dropped. the small owl was resting in it's cage, sleeping soundly.


Dear (Y/n),

I cannot wait to see you again. The house elves are anticipating the day I leave. How rude. Counting down the days, darling

Draco xx

(Y/n) couldn't help but grin at the letter. the two had sent parchment back and forth to each other's homes all summer, getting to know each other more and more.

she quickly grabbed a quill, flipping the parchment over to reply.


Miss me that much, huh? It's alright.. I miss you too. I think Fred and George are getting suspicious of who I'm writing too.. they say I don't have this many friends. Mean.

Til I see you next

(Y/n) x

she attached the parchment onto Pigwidgeon's leg, ready to go for when the owl wakes up.

she hopped into bed, falling asleep with a smile on her face.

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