《My Secret Boyfriend》30


(Y/n) stood outside in the courtyard, waving goodbye as the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students exited the Hogwarts grounds.

"do you think we'll ever have a peaceful year at Hogwarts?" Ron asked.

"no." Hermione sighed.

"no i don't think so." Harry laughed.

"everything is going to change now, isn't it?" (Y/n) asked, walking in between Harry and Hermione.

"yes." Harry answered.

"promise you'll write this summer. all of you." Hermione begged.

"well i won't. you know i won't." Ron said.

"Harry will, won't you?" Hermione raised her eyebrows.

"yeah. every week." Harry replied sarcastically, causing the four to laugh.

"i will, 'Mione. even though Pigwidgeon is slightly stupid." (Y/n) joked, resting her chin in her hand as she leaned against the stone, looking out at the same view from last year.

"i've got to go get the rest of my things." Harry said, leaving the three. Hermione followed, the twins now alone.

"Ron, when are you going to tell Hermione you fancy her?" she asked.

"what? i.. i don't fancy her." Ron said defensively.

"mhm." (Y/n) rolled her eyes, watching as Ron's red hair left. she quickly felt her stomach fill with butterflies when a flash of blond hair slid in next to her.

"gonna miss me, Malfoy?" she teased, looking at his pale face.

"you wish." he grinned, wrapping his arm around her waist, causing them both to blush furiously.

"will you write to me?" she murmured quietly, avoiding his gaze.

"i guess i could spare a few pieces of parchment." Draco replied, sighing as he traced circles on her hip with his thumb.

"i have no clue what i would do if one of my brothers found a letter from Draco Malfoy lying in my bedroom." she laughed, leaning her head on his shoulder.


"i reckon that'll be a hot mess, huh?"

"it's always a hot mess."

"i would rather live in a hot mess then a cold, lonely mansion." he mumbled so quietly she almost didn't catch it.

"Draco.." she trailed off, but they both jumped away from each other when footsteps were heard from behind.

"the train is almost ready, come on Draco." Pansy narrowed her eyes at (Y/n).

"i'll meet you there." Draco waved off. Pansy rolled her eyes, glaring at the redhead and leaving.

"you have got to tell that prat off." (Y/n) rolled her eyes as they began to exit the viewpoint.

"i think you've got it covered." he teased, referring to that one lesson in Care of Magical Creatures.

she laughed in response, shaking her head slightly. "by the way, i thought you looked smashingly hot in your Yule Ball gown." he whispered in her ear.

"really? i thought the dress was horrendous."

"it was. you made it smashingly hot. you clean up nicely, Weaselbee."

"thanks, Malfoy."

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