《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 34



It was Sunday morning and the Omega had to go home. Taehyung didn't want to go at all to a point that he cried making Jungkook not know what to do at this point.

It was so unlike the Omega, "It's okay, you can stay I don't mind love. You know that I will love to have you around all the time".

That is how Taehyung managed to spend his Sunday with the man he loved.

However, on Monday Jungkook had a business trip and the Omega was acting up again. This time he tried hard not to show his emotions but he failed.

They were currently at the office in the parking bay with Jungkook holding on to the Omega who was now sitting on his lap because he was extremely emotional.

"What is going on Pup? I'm coming by the end of the week". "I don't know, I'm just sad that I won't see you for a week".

Jungkook just hugged the Omega so tight and pampered him with kisses until the Omega had to leave.

Jungkook was feeling extremely bad, his wolf was angry considering that the wolf already imprinted on the Omega. The wolf didn't want to leave when the Omega was sad.

Jungkook had to call Jennie who was very confused but when she saw Taehyung, she understood. Jungkook left, and the alpha female took his cousin to the restroom to calm him down.

It even got to a point whereby the Omega took Jungkook's jacket because he just couldn't.


"What do you mean he was crying? Did you impregnate him?", Namjoon who was traveling with Jungkook asked.

"Isn't it too soon to be pregnant and showing symptoms? I think his wolf thinks I'm abandoning him and I'm not sure if I can just mark him as of yet considering what he went through with Hoseok".


"That might be the cause, you should talk to him about it because his wolf might see it as a rejection as time goes by and you know what happens werewolf becomes rejected".

The Trueblood sighed, he needs to talk to his Omega before his Omega wolf or human started thinking otherwise.

On the other side, Taehyung finally calmed down and he was currently working when Hoseok walked toward him.

The man knew Jungkook was not around. "Taehyung, come to my office".

The Omega raised his eyebrow confused and looked at Jimin who was confused also.

"For what exactly Sir?", he needed to be polite now and not be rude. They were in their workplace.

"I am your boss, do I need to tell you what I need to talk to you about here? Just because your dating Jungkook doesn't mean you're my boss, you hear me".

Jimin and Jungkook's paralegal looked at Hoseok confused, but they were quick to share the news in their group chats.

"May I know what is it about Mr. Jung?", Jimin decided to intervene since he can see the hesitation from Taehyung, and honestly Jimin didn't even want Taehyung close to Hoseok.

"You are just a mere secretary, I doubt the work we will be discussing will involve you in any way".

"Taehyung, sit down and continue your work. Mr. Jung, go back to your office and fetch your manners. Once you have them, come back and make your request and we will decide if it is wise or not".

"Kim Jimin, I think you forget your place in this office. You are a secretary..", he didn't finish as Taehyung interrupted him.

The alpha was pushing his finger on Namjoon's husband and Taehyung hated it.

"I will follow you", the Omega yelled. "Like hell, you will, you are not going anywhere".


Jimin said the Omega was already agitated. Before things got messy, Jaebeom walked in after being called together with Jackson.

"What is all this fuss about Hoseok?", Jackson asked bored already and a few people were also watching after hearing the news.

"I asked him to step into my office to discuss a few things and this midget here decided to stop him. Plus this piece of shit doesn't respect me", he said pointing to Jimin and then Taehyung.

"You have no project you work with him, then why does he need to come and see you in your office?", Jaebeom asked annoyed by Hoseok already.

"So you're also against him coming to my office, wow", the alpha said in defeat.

"You know if Jungkook hears about this he will kill you right? Stop messing around with Taehyung or his alpha will deal with you. Everyone, go back to your work station and that includes you too Hoseok", Jaebeom finished.

People started leaving, and finally, Hoseok left too. The news didn't reach Jungkook though since they knew the male will drop everything and come kill Hoseok with his own bare hands.


On the other hand, Hoseok arrived at his office fuming in anger. How dare such mere employees disrespect him.

"They think I will stop, this is just the beginning. Kim Taehyung will be mine, or else I won't allow anyone to have him. He belongs to me".


Our story is coming to the end my dear readers, be ready to say goodbye. 😅

Yesterday I was reading Work Husbands, I loved it. Such an interesting plot that I had, unlike my typical stories 😅

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