《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 32



Jin was immediately treated and was hospitalized, whereas Taehyung and his grandmother were discharged as they were declared that they were not in critical condition.

Being a werewolf was the most amazing thing because their wounds healed faster.

Although omegas heal slower, they still healed by the end of the week and that was the main reason why the Omega and his grandmother were released.


"Thank you, Jennie, if you didn't call me, I honestly don't know what would have happened".

"I agree with Jungkook, thank you Jen", the Omega said sitting at his home lounge with Jungkook and Jennie by his side, while his grandparents were sitting on the other side.

"I'm very happy that you saved my baby bear and my wife, I will forever be indebted to you", Mr. Kim said with so much emotions.

"I am glad I could help. I will do anything for him, and I can only wish he knows how much he means to me".

"I didn't wish to meet you in this manner but since it happened, I would like to come again in an official manner to ask permission to date your grandson".

Jennie and Taehyung were kind of surprised but the Omega's grandparents just smiled at the alpha.

"You don't need to come officially, if he wants to date you we will never deny but please treat our little bear with love and care. He needs it the most".

"Pa", the Omega whined hearing his grandfather's words. "Please do come from time to time to eat dinner with us".

The Omega couldn't help but blush hearing his grandparent's words. "Thank you, Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim".

"Call us by our names or call us the way Taehyung calls us, we don't mind at all. After all, I believe you will one day be part of the family".


The alpha nodded his head while Taehyung was red and couldn't believe it.

It was the first time his grandparents liked his boyfriend. The other guys, his grandparents didn't like at all including Hoseok.

They just decided to give in because they wanted to make their baby bear happy considering that his happiness was their priority.


A month went by since the whole chaos and Taehyung was finally settled with no worries.

People stopped talking about his relationship with Jungkook which made him feel better, but what he missed was the jealous eyes of a certain alpha that kind of followed him around.

The male made sure to be careful as he didn't want to be attacked by the Trueblood alpha.

Although Jungkook and Taehyung were dating, it was hard to see the two together.

They were barely around each other alone, Jimin was mostly in their presence or another colleague.

Currently, it was lunch time and Taehyung decided to chill with Jennie as they had to make up a story that will help the Omega sleep over at the Trueblood's place.

It's been a month since Taehyung and Jungkook did the deeds and it was all because they never spent alone time.

Yes, they kiss and make out but never had sex and it was frustrating thr Omega since he now knew what a good sex tasted like.

"Jennie please, just this once. I will buy you whatever you want", the Omega was beginning while the alpha female laughed.

"I never thought I will witness the day you will beg me just to go to your booty call. I mean, wow".

"It is not a booty call, he is my boyfriend and I miss him", the pout was visible.

"More like you miss his dick in your bum". The Omega couldn't help but blush hard.


"Ya, that is inappropriate". "Inappropriate my ass, just say you miss the sex maybe I will consider it".

Jennie's voice was not quiet either but luckily there was no one sitting close to them. "Fine, I miss being intimate with him more. It's been a month Jen, please".

"Fine, but when I ask you a favor, you better remember". The Omega couldn't help but cheer cutely.


"So he is planning on seeing that Trueblood, he must enjoy it while he still can".

"Once my plan comes together, I will never let another person lay a hand on him".

"You will be mine Kim Taehyung, mine alone because I hate to share and I will be damned to share you with a Trueblood".


"I can not believe he left me alive instead of killing me. What am I suppose to do now since I'm disabled?"., the Omega groaned.

"You should try to be a decent human than a psychopath. Now open your mouth, and take the pills"

"You better take the pills and swallow them or else I will bring 'you know who'", a nurse said.

That had the Omega taking the pills afraid of 'You know who'. 'You know who was the most psychotic individual in the mental hospital Jin was admitted.

The person was called Monster. He was a crazy criminal who was known for killing, raping, robbery, hijacking, and many more unlaw things.

What makes Jin afraid of him was because the male promised to marry Jin and give him babies.

There were more things he had done to the Omega already, unfortunately, but no one cared in that mental hospital.

Everyone admitted there had done some horrific stuff resulting in them being admitted. It was a mental hospital for prisoners who are psychotic and after the stunt Jin pulled, he was thrown in there with the cruelest criminals.

The good thing is that he was given prosthetic legs and arms. Well, he bought them since he was rich, but he wasn't rich enough to bribe a judge to allow him to leave the place.


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