《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 31



A week went by since Hoseok called Taehyung and Jin lost his baby. No one knew that the Omega lost the baby, he decided to wear a fake baby belly.


It was currently a Saturday and Taehyung was chilling with Jennie since Jungkook was preparing for a big presentation.

The two cousins were enjoying their favorite TV show when they suddenly heard a gunshot out of nowhere making their whole bodies freeze.

They turned their heads and they found Kim Seokjin holding a gun pressed on Taehyung's grandfather's head.

The Omega's grandmother was on the floor already bleeding. "I thought I should pay you a visit and make you feel how I am feeling, like losing someone precious to you".

Taehyung was confused, he didn't understand what he did that made him deserve to be punished like that.

He immediately made his way towards his grandmother with tears in his eyes, but luckily his grandmother was only shot in the thigh.

"I was wondering, which one amongst the two you love more? Your grandmother or your grandfather? Or should I just kill them both".

Taehyung was crying so hard and at the same time confused, "Please don't kill them. Tell me what I need to do to fix this but please don't kill them".

He was begging Jin who was laughing like a maniac. "Oh sweety, there is nothing you can do. I lost my child because of you. Unless you bring my baby boy back".

Taehyung was confused, "But you are pregnant". He said pointing his finger to the belly.

"Oh sweety, this is fake. Now stop wasting my time and decide who you think should die between the two or else I will kill them both Kim Taehyung"

While Jin was so focused on Taehyung and his grandparents, he missed Jennie who managed to hide and ended up calling the police and Jungkook.


"I won't repeat Taehyung, who should I kill between the two", he said pointing the gun at the omega's grandmother.

The poor lady already lost a lot of blood, "old man go join your family before I finish you".

Taehyung's grandfather immediately walked toward his wife as he pressed his hand on her thigh to stop the bleeding.

"What wrong did I do? I was abandoned by Hoseok on the wedding day. How is it my fault you lost your child when I have moved on from Hoseok?".

"Oh it is your fault because he left me for you, imagine my shock. I want you to feel my pain Taehyung and you will feel it".

He was about to shoot when Taehyung stopped him. "Why must I go through all this pain instead of Hoseok? I have been embarrassed, humiliated and heartbroken already, why am I always the victim of such?".

"Maybe misery loves you too much but I honestly don't care", Jin said and immediately pressed the gun to shoot.

The moment the bullet left the gun, Taehyung immediately jumped in front of his grandparents and the bullet hit him on the arm making him groan in pain as he fell.

Jin was about to fire again until he heard a policeman speak, "Put the gun down Mr or we will fire".

"Oh, you called the police, interesting. I don't care what you say because I'm going to kill this bit...", he never finished as a giant wolf landed on top of him making the gun fall.

The wolf growls so loud and started ripping the omega's body apart. Jin was screaming his lungs out, crying in pain and the pregnancy belly was thrashed so hard by the big wolf.

Taehyung immediately cried out to the wolf to stop, he wasn't sure who the wolf was but he had an idea that was not confirmed.


He screamed begging the wolf to stop but the wolf did the damage. It left Jin with no arms and one leg.

The Trueblood was panting hard and he circled the Taehyung and his grandparents releasing calming pheromones to calm his Omega.

That immediately confirmed the Omega's thoughts. The scent confirmed that the wolf was indeed his boyfriend, Jungkook.

Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim, that is Taehyung's grandparents, were very happy to see the Trueblood that seem to have taken a liking for their little bear.

Ambulances were called as Taehyung, his grandparents, and Jin were taken to the hospital.

Luckily Taehyung and his grandmother were okay. Jin on the other hand was left disabled because Jungkook shredded his arms and one leg.

It was only a matter of time before he ripped his body apart. That is how angry he was, how dare he threaten and try to kill his Omega.


The news of Jin trying to kill Taehyung and his family spread like wildfire because of Jungkook's wolf.

Everyone was shocked to hear about how cruel the Omega was trying to kill an Omega and his family that also suffered from mistreatment from an alpha.

Jungkook left his house in his wolf form that day not caring at all. He roamed the roads of his town with in his wolf because he knew he was faster than driving a car.

It was a rare sight to see but people knew that for a Trueblood alpha to run around the street in their wolf form in daylight, meant something was wrong and that is why some followed him until they saw the commotion.

Since many didn't know Jungkook's scent, they couldn't confirm but speculations were made.


On the other hand, Hoseok heard the news about what Jungkook did to Jin and he was scared to death. But can that make him stop?i guess we will find out as we continue with this story


My dear readers, I have a question for you. Do you experience power outages in your country? And how long do they last (assuming bills are paid).

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