《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 30



The pregnant Omega dragged his feet toward his phone and called an ambulance.

The ambulance came 10 minutes later and he was quickly rushed to the hospital finding the male's doctor waiting for them.

The doctor was shocked since Jin didn't have issues, especially with his blood pressure and he concluded that it was stress-related.

However, seeing the condition the doctor started to try and save both the father and the child.

By the time Jin arrived at the hospital, he was unconscious and lost a lot of blood.

The doctor dud what he could do, but unfortunately, he couldn't save the baby. Jin had a miscarriage but luckily, they managed to save him which was hard also.


On the other hand, Hoseok was kicked out of Yoongi's house after sex. That was how the Omega was, no attachments.

Hoseok was a lost soul, he was starting to regret leaving Taehyung and he hated it.

Taehyung was the best thing that happened to him and he was regretting big time.

He took advantage that he was loved for granted and now he had nowhere to go. He knew Jin didn't love him, I mean he didn't love Jin either.

He also knew that Min Yoongi was just a passing phase like all the hoes he has been sleeping with.

He had no one to keep him warm at night, but at the same time, he couldn't allow the Omega to be happy while he was miserable. He just couldn't, he was the type that says if I can't have you, then no one can.

That is why he decided to call the Omega in the early morning, around 7 to be precise.


Taehyung was sleeping, enjoying the warmth of the Trueblood's arms around him as they were in a spooning position in the silence.


The silence was interrupted by the Omega's phone making both males groan in displeasure.

The Omega extended his hand to grab his phone, "Hello". Jungkook groaned hearing the Omega speak, they barely slept as he was acting like a wolf in a rut.

"Hello?", Taehyung groaned in displeasure that someone called him so early yet didn't speak.

"I see you didn't block my number, meaning you still think about me". Taehyung sighed wondering who the hell is this person.

"I don't know who you are and why I should block you but you're disturbing my sleep. I'm going to hang up now".

"Wait..", before the male on the phone can speak Jungkook decided to speak. "Who is it?", his voice was deep, heavy of sleep and there was also an annoyance to it.

"I don't know, some weird dude telling me that I didn't block his number".

Jungkook grabbed the phone, "It's too early to be calling other people's boyfriend. Call during the day and say your peace".

The alpha dropped the call and immediately pulled Taehyung closer to him. Since they were both tired, they both passed out.

Hoseok on the other hand was shocked, he couldn't believe Taehyung dares to move on from him.

The problem was that he didn't know the man who spoke to him. Jungkook's morning voice was way different from his normal voice.

"I thought he was with Jungkook but instead he is sleeping around with old men".


It was around 11 in the morning when Taehyung woke up to find no one next to him.

He sighed and took his phone to check the time only to realize it was late. He was about to get out of bed when Jungkook walked in from the bathroom wearing a towel around his torso.


"Good Morning baby, how are you feeling?". "Morning Kook, I feel okay I think, just that my bum sting thats all".

Jungkook smiled as he kissed the omega's lips into a peck. "I will prepare a bath for you to soothe the sting and any discomfort".

The Omega was thankful for the caring partner he had, he can only hope the alpha will always be like that.

It wasn't long until he went to bathe and, soon Jungkook and he was in the sitting room watching a Rom-com movie.

Their little moment was interrupted by Taehyung phone ringing. Withour checking the number, the Omega answered as he paused the movie.

"Hello?". "Hi Taehyung, can we meet up. I need to talk to you". "Uhm, and you are?.

" It's funny how you act like you forgot my phone, who else would it be if not the love of your life? ".

Jungkook raised his eyebrow seeing how his Omega became uncomfortable.

"Oh it's you, please don't call me again and I don't want to meet you Hoseok. I have moved on, do the same too or should I say continue doing the same".

Taehyung was about to drop when Jungkook took his phone from him. "Hoseok?", he called out the alpha making Hoseok growl on the phone in displeasure.

"Stop calling my Omega and also don't follow him around. If you don't listen, you will have to deal with me. Better believe it Hoseok, I will turn your life upside down".

That was all the Trueblood alpha said before he dropped the call and immediately hugged the Omega who was kind of shaken.

"It's okay, he won't do anything to you. I won't allow him okay baby? I'm here for you".


"They think I will let go just because they said I will, they are crazy. I'm going to show them that Kim Taehyung belongs to me and only me".


"It is all Kim Taehyung's fault, I'm going to make sure he feels the pain I felt of losing someone dear to you. I will not be in pain alone , I refuse".


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