《Behavioural Tutor》50 // New Chapter


"Ok, court is now in order. I invite the opening statements from each party to be read out to the room." The judge began after banging his hammer a few times, though Tommy's mind had already wondered off. This was much a big moment in his life, so why was it boring as fuck? Tommy just shrugged it off and continued staring off into space.

At some point, Tommy was invited to the whiteness stand in order to recount the events leading up to what happened at Greenview hospital and some of his childhood experiences with Dream as his guardian. By the end of the questioning, he was in tears, but Tommy was glad he'd done it. The blonde sat back down next to Techno; who handed him a tissue and told him how proud he was.

It was only when his brother, Techno, was called to the whiteness stand that they broke their hug. In the past few months, Tommy had begged and begged to know what really happened that day and why they were still alive, but alas, Techno had refused to tell Tommy until the court case. Something about dramatic suspense and a big reveal?

"Ok, uuuuh hi," Tommy was brought out of his trance by hi brother's awkwardness and bit his tongue; resisting the urge to scream 'go you' through the silence. "I'm sure most of you are aware of what happened building up to-"

"OBJECTION! HEARSAY!" Everyone looked towards Dream's lawyer. The judge sighed, quickly dismissed the call, and instructed Technoblade to continue.

"Well, Tommy and I ran into Greenview hospital at uuuuh I'd say approximately three or four in the afternoon. I got Phil to stay behind and call the proper authorities on George and Snapcha... I mean Sapnap so we'd split up a while ago. As previously discussed, I have a history with Dream and knew how dangerous he is, so I didn't want Tommy coming in with me. "

At this, Tommy stuck his tongue out at Techno, who quickly reciprocated the movement, with an additional roll of the eyes, before continuing. Tommy would by lying if he said he didn't enjoy the interaction.

"After some discussion, I managed to convince him to stay put-"

"How exactly?" The bald lawyer interrupted. Wasn't he supposed to be on their side? Tommy then realised that he was making a point and suddenly felt rather stupid.

"Well, I told him that Big Men stay put, and since he's such a big man," there was clear sarcasm lining Techno's voice here, "then he would stay. It worked for a bit, but inevitably he worked it out eventually and followed me in. I can't testify what Tommy then did because I wasn't with him after that."

"Would you then explain what you were occupied with?" the lawyer asked.

"Gladly. I ran into the building searching for Dream. I found him and we began circling each other. He tried to punch me and we went into fist to fist combat, before I pulled out a sword an-"

"I'm sorry, WHAT??? WHY A SWOR-" The random audience member was quickly shushed by the judge. (Tommy had the sneaking suspicion it was Ranboo.)

"Yeah, as I was saying," Techno continued, "I thought if I could injure Dream enough, I would stop his plan without the intervention of my mole. Well, he pulled out his axe and fought back. Eventually we pushed each other away and went back to circling each other, at which point Tommy came barging in. I don't recall exactly what we said, cause I was kinda preoccupied fighting for my life, but I think Tommy said something along the lines of 'oy swear word swear word, how dare you swear word swear word and something about me tricking him'. I can't remember what I said back but it was probably something along the lines of 'go away'. Yeah, he didn't listen and went to help some civilians get out. I was going to tell him that my mole was already handling that but Dream swung his axe at me again. This time, I barely had time to dodge it. As I was recovering, Dream brought out some throwing knives and threw two at me. I dodged them pretty easily, but I was more worried about what they would hit behind me, so I turned around. People were ok, but while I wasn't looking, Dream pinned me down to the ground. I'm pretty sure I heard Tommy scream something about a terrorist approaching them so I'm assuming he was talking about my mole here since I was occupying Dream."


Tommy's breath hitched. He did scream terrorist then, but that was at... WAIT! Tommy's mouth dropped open. That would mean the mole was... no! Surely not! How would they even... Tommy sighed. All would be explained, he would just have to sit tight and wait for an answer.

"I rolled over so I was then on top of Dream and we continued this a few times before we reached a wall. At this point both our weapons were discarded at some point during the fight. We were pretty evenly matched, too, until my mole came over to us. You see, he was supposed to be getting the civilians out, but I guess Tommy had that covered so he ran towards me and shoved Dream away." Tommy thought about this for a second... yes, this did line up with his timeline. It would make sense for the mole to do that.

"I was going to go after Dream, but the mole held me back. I guess he thought it was a pointless battle, but we were a two verses one - we could have totally taken him!" Dream scoffed at this, but Techno only smirked and continued his story.

"We ran to the storage room where we knew the bomb was set up. It took a while, but we eventually disconnected the bomb from the ammunition; meaning it was stable but still unsafe. Good enough, but honestly I would have liked to do more, but there wasn't time. I mean I probably wouldn't have known how to do more if I'm being honest." Techno sighed, "I ran outside to where I knew Dream would be trying to get away. I stalled a bit and prevented him from doing so until the police arrived. I think that's it really... oh and the mole stayed behind and called the authorities, conveying the severity of the situation and asking for as many officers as possible to come to the scene. That's how they knew to be there. Yeah that's all."

The court room sat in silence for a few moments, before the lawyer spoke again, "Thank you Technoblade, may I now call this mysterious figure you have been referring to as 'your mole' to the whiteness stand?"

Techno stepped down from the stand and walked back to Tommy. They high-fived as he sat down; a smug smile resting on his face. Tommy offered a tissue to Techno as he had done a few minutes earlier to Tommy. Techno wasn't crying, but still, a nice gesture.

As they did this, a man walked to the front of the court room, placed his hand on the bible and swore to uphold the truth. Dream's breath hitched. Tommy's breath hitched. The whole courtroom sat in shock once he'd made it to the stand.

"Sapnap, is it true that you've been working with the police and Technoblade as a mole in Dream's organisation?"


A collective gasp could be heard around the court room.

"Will you please recall the events that lead up to the bomb being planted?"

Tommy zoned out at this point. He stared at Sapnap, then at Techno in disbelief. Techno smirked at his reaction.

"Gotcha good, didn't I?" Tommy slowly nodded, to which Techno chuckled. "Know yourself and know the enemy. Remember that." Again, Tommy nodded, before focusing back on the conversation happening at the front of the room.


"-and we'd planned out how the fight was going to go, me and Techno. We knew George would probably corner Phil and take him out, leaving me and Techno to fight it out."

Tommy realised that they must have been talking about when Techno and Phil fought George and Snapcha-... Sapnap... the mole... on the way to Greenview.

"The plan was that I was going to shoot Techno with a specially modified gun."

"May you please specify how exactly this gun had been modified?"

"Well, it shot bigger bullets. Like, soft squishy ammunition - means it won't harm you if you get hit by one. The bullets were filled with fake blood so on impact it would spray out and look like you'd been shot. It works just like a real gun, only the bullets move at half the speed cause of wind resistance and shit."

The judge sighed, "Please refrain from swearing in court."

The lawyer then continued, "So, how did this play out during the fight?"

"Well, it was all going according to plan. George got Techno in the right position and I managed to fire the gun. The bullet would have hit Techno right in the chest. The plan was then to tie up Phil and show Dream a pic of Techno saying I'd killed him. Then I'd turn on George and tie him up along with Phil. I'd help Techno up and we would have gone on to Greenview hospital to take Dream by surprise. It would have given us the upper hand in that fight."

"Objection: hearsay!" Dream's lawyer called again, "That response does not answer the question presented to the whiteness."

The judge nodded at this, "Objection acknowledged. Please state to the court how the plan played out."

Sapnap nodded. "Got it, sorry. As I was saying, we had everyone in the right position, so I fired the gun, but at the last moment Tommy just came out of nowhere and caught the bullet."

Tommy stared wide-eyed at Techno and whispered "Does that mean I haven't got superpowers?" A small disappointed groan escaped his lips.

"I'm afraid not little gremlin... but on the plus side, I know that I can trust you with my life." Techno gave Tommy a little hug.

The rest of the court case was pretty boring. Over the course of the next week and a bit, 14 other witnesses were called to testify - including Bad and Ranboo. The latter of which lost his job after the court heard about how he'd allowed Phil to do what he did without punishment; it wasn't too bad though because upon hearing the news, the police department offered him a a job working as a guard at one of the biggest prisons in the country. They said something about his "ruthless lack of regard to wellbeing" being perfect for the job. Phil was also told to internship there by his parents in order to "learn how to properly discipline people".

Finally, after almost two weeks of court, the case came to an end.

"What if they find him innocent?" Tommy whispered to Tubbo while the jury were making their decisions. He really had no reason to whisper, but it felt natural in such a high stress situation.

"They won't, king. Dream is a very bad person and will be locked away for a long time," Tubbo replied.

"But what if-"

"There have been too many witnesses testifying against him, mate. There wasn't even one in support of him." Phil gently put his arm around Tommy's shoulders.

"It's just a matter of which punishment he gets. My bet is on life imprisonment." Techno rested his head on Tommy's shoulder.

After what felt like an eternity, the jury came back out. Not one of them made eye contact with Dream. No one in the audience made eye contact with dream. Not even Tommy.

"This jury," the Judge stated after banging their mallet a few times, "finds Dream guilty of murder, attempted bombing, child abuse, gang crime, arson on twelve separate occasions, kidnapping, theft, robbery, illegal possession of weaponry and resting arrest. I sentence you to life imprisonment. Case dismissed."

"Hey... uhm I know I haven't been particularly nice to you," Tommy was brought out of his thoughts by a voice. He looked up to be met with the eyes of Wilbur, "but I just want to apologise. I had no idea what you were going through. I know that doesn't excuse what I've done, but I really am sorry and I want to make it up to you. I came to the last day of the hearing to apologise and find out what was really happening with you. I'm sorry. I was a dick."

"Yeah, you were." Tommy nudged Techno, who rolled his eyes but shut up nevertheless.

"Techno! Look, I appreciate the apology but you know I can't just forgive you like that."

"O-of course I mean I wasn't expecting you to and-" Tommy interrupted Wilbur.

"But, maybe if you were a little nicer I could?" Tommy smiled when he saw a sparkle of hope flicker in Wilbur's eyes. "Why don't you start by bringing us some coffee?"

Wilbur reciprocated Tommy's smile fondly. "Coming right up!"

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