《Behavioural Tutor》28 // Unbelieveable Accuracy


Tommy hesitantly followed Phil towards an empty classroom. He was still suspicious of the man who had just moments before chained him up to a desk. No sane human would do that. Then again, no one had ever apologised to Tommy before, granted it was only a small one, but it was usually Tommy doing the apologising to others. Something about that small, simple word just self so surreal to him. That was the sole reason Tommy had followed Phil into the classroom. He wanted to know what an apology was like, even if it was just a fake one.

"Tommy please it down. I'm just going to get Principal Ranboo, Techno and maybe Tubbo was well. Stay here, alright?" Tommy only nodded, keeping his eyes firmly on the ground. If he's going to get others, Phil probably wasn't planning on hurting Tommy. Too much of a crowd. Unless... he was getting backup? Tommy hadn't thought of that. His once calm mind was immediately sent into turmoil. What would he do then? Granted, he might be able to take on one or two of them, but all four!? Tommy didn't even stand a chance.

The blonde was quivering in his seat. Too scared to move. Too scared to speak. Too scared to do anything except stare at a blank part of the floor. His hands were shaking too much to snap himself out of it. His feet were trembling too much to go and get help. His mouth felt empty - too clenched to form the words that would pleaded for help. His throat was too tight to even breathe.

Come on Tommy. If they see you like this, they will only beat you more. Pull yourself together. Tommy grabbed hold of his hair, pulling at it slightly. Okay - maybe his subconscious brain took that thought a little too seriously. Just calm it. Very slowly, Tommy managed to steady his breathing enough to take inconsistent gulps of air every one in a while; just about enough to keep him from panicking.


A few seconds later, Technoblade came rushing in. "Heya Tommy! Ho-" he stopped once he saw Tommy's face. "Whoah you okay? Did something happen? Is it Phil, or Wilbur? If so iI swear on my-"

"It's okay Techno. I'm fine." The last thing Tommy wanted was sympathy. He could handle himself.

"Well okay, if you're sure... but for future reference, it's Pinkie to you." Techno tried to hide his smile, and so did Tommy.

"I thought you hated that name...?"

"Eh - it's grown on me. Now don't you dare call me Techno again, or we'll have problems!" Unlike the first time when he uttered that phrase to Tommy, it was said in a kind hearted, joking manner. There was no actual threat behind his words. Tommy gratefully nodded. "Now, why don't you tell us, Phil, why we've all been called in here?"

Only after Technoblade said that, did Tommy realise that the room was now filled with three other people: Phil, Ranboo and a rather sheepish looking Tubbo.

"I've got something to show you all... well actually, Tommy does." Now, everyone's eyes were on Tommy, who immediately shrank back in his seat at all the unwanted attention. "Why don't you show us what you can do?"

"I- I don't know what you mean."

"Oh Tommy don't be so modest. I saw what you did there; it was incredible. Go on - Ranboo ask him a question... any question." Ranboo raised an eyebrow. "You know - like a maths one!"

"Alright then... 672 divided by the square root of 89?"

"71.2318575364" Tommy answered without hesitation and unbelievable accuracy. Ranboo looked to Phil who was holding a calculator displaying the exact number that Tommy had just spoken.

The whole room went silent.

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