《Behavioural Tutor》25 // Put Your Pencils Down


Tommy flipped over the paper, and skimmed through the first question. If he read it all properly, there was no way he'd finish in time. After getting the general idea of the question, Tommy's messy handwriting covered the page. After an excessively long equation (done in about 10 seconds) he moved onto the next question.

If Tommy had been looking up in that moment, he would have seen the shocked expression on Mr Jacob and the rest of the class's faces. Of course, he didn't, because he was too busy now focusing on question five... no six... no seven... no ten... no fifteen-

Tommy was whizzing through the questions, graphs, diagrams, tables and statements at an incredible speed. There was no time to think, or question his knowledge, just go with his gut feeling and move on.

His hand was definitely aching, but there was no way Tommy was stopping now. He was on a roll, and he only had ten questions left... nine... seven... four... two-


The teacher started counting down. That was one of the fastest minutes Tommy had ever witnessed.


The last question was definitely the hardest. Tommy applied a long division method, just hoping he'd done the right thing.


Tommy was freaking out! He was so close, but this was impossibly hard! His scribbling had covered the entire page now...

THERE! THAT'S THE ANSWER! 2.3462. Tommy was quick to write it down, but as Mr Jacobs said "Put your pencil down!"That was exhausting. Wow! Tommy's arm was killing him, but he'd done it.

"There you go mister whatever your name is. I've done your stupid test. WHO'S EMBARRASSED NOW YOU JERK!" The last part was directed at the rather skinny kid in the front row, who'd been shouting at him earlier. That shut him up!


"Okay, let me collect it in and-" an alarm at the front of the classroom sounded, signalling it was the end for the rest of the class as well. (Tommy had come in late, so they'd been working on it for about 40 minutes before he'd come in.) "Everyone put your pencils down! I'm coming around to collect your tests, so please have them ready. I'll mark them, and probably get them back to you for the end of the week. Class dismissed."

Tommy was the first to leave. He was not spending any longer in a lesson than absolutely necessary. He raced down the halls, laughing as he did so, glad to finally be free of all the boring adults.

Looks like he spoke to soon. Tommy ran had first into Phil. Okay, so technically Phil wasn't an adult, but he was so much worse. The look he gave Tommy said it all.

Phil roughly grabbed Tommy's hood, before pulling him down the hallways. He refused to make eye contact, but the glimmer in his eyes could still be seen by Tommy.

"I hope you're prepared for your punishment. You ran after I specifically told you not to. After you were specifically told that I was going to stay beside you. I'm not letting it happen again."

Oh; so Phil was mad mad. Great.

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