《Behavioural Tutor》18 // Techno Talk


Tommy gently pulled his sleeve over the new injuries. They weren't as bad as they'd been in the past, but even the slightest amount of pressure on them caused immense amounts of pain. Tommy had already bandaged them up, using the spare medical kit he always kept with him. You never know when you might get horrible injured.

You never know when a mass murder could come out of no where and tare you limb from limb!

The only problem was how painfully white the material was. Tommy was glad more than ever that he'd decided to wear his long sleeved top that morning.

He begrudgingly opened the bathroom door, and shuffled out into the corridor.


Wilbur had just finished working on the instrumental of his new song. He didn't have any lyrics yet (so technically all of it was an instrumental) but he was planning on making some soon.

He carefully placed his guitar on the stand, in the corner of the room, before making his way towards the lift and out of the art department. Ding. The elevator doors swung open to reveal the ground floor of the glass structure. The brunette made his way towards the library.

It was nearing the end of the day, and his last period was a study break, so Wilbur wanted to put it to good use. Besides: he'd been meaning to catch up with the history of democratic politics for a while now.


Tommy decided the best way to spend his time would be in the library, huddled in a corner, moping about how unfair life was.

He rushed through the halls (not wanting to be recognised by anyone who might want to engage in conversation, or worse: take him to class). It didn't take him too long to find the familiar doors, and into the welcoming aroma that he knew as the school library.


The strawberry blonde situated himself in a cosy-looking sofa at the far end of the room. This time he picked up another random book, something named Lord of the Rings? Eh- didn't recognise it.

He was just getting invested in the story, when he felt a worried pig collapse on top him.

"Techno what the fu-"

"Tommy I was so worried. Where have you been? Gosh I've been so worried. Phil was such an idiot saying all those things about you. You know I care a lot, okay?"

Techno... cared?

"You do?" It was taking all of Tommy's strength not to burst into tears.

The pig stuck his head up from Tommy's lap, and looked him dead in the eyes. If this situation wasn't so funny, Tommy would have fallen over from laughing so hard at his new nickname for Techno. Somehow, he thought that Technoblade would appreciate the name even less than Pinkie.

"Of course I care, Tommy. You mean the world to me."

"But... you only just met me?"

Okay the blonde made a point there. How could Techno respond to that (and he was just congratulating himself on his social skills).

"Well that just means you're even more special, doesn't it? That I can get so attached to a very clingy child in such a short time." At this point, Techno was winging it, just hoping it sounded somewhat inspirational. "I care, bad cares, Tubbo car-"

"Tubbo doesn't care." Tommy looked at Techno with sad eyes. Wait... wasn't Techno supposed to apologise to him on Tommy's behalf. Oops-

"He will once an apology is made." Yeah... Techno should probably get on that. "There are a lot of people who are about you Tommy, and what Phil said was wrong. So very, very wrong, and I will ensure that he gets punished for it."


"Oh don't do that!" Tommy was quick to defend Phil. If he got in trouble because of Tommy, it wold only make him crueler. Tommy didn't want that. "It's honestly fine." That was a lie. "His words didn't hurt." That was a lie. "I don't care what he," lie, "or anyone else thinks." More lies. "I don't need someone else's vote of approval." Lies, lies, lies. "But thanks for offering, I really appreciate it." Truth.

"Alright... if you're sure. But if he does anything - and I mean anything - I will not hesitate to attack."

Tommy chucked, though he knew first hand that Techno's wrath was not a force to be reckoned with.


Wilbur arrived in the library, and went straight to the politics section, picked out an interesting looking book, and went to his special seat. Except, someone was already in his special seat. He was just about to lecture them on how it was his seat and only his seat, he stopped. Was that Techno next to the figure?

Yes. Yes it was. It was impossible to mistake the man for anyone else; he literally had pink hair.

"I care. I love you, Tommy, more than anything else in the whole world."

What. The. Fuck.

Techno abandoned him for Tommy!?!? The lowlife, vicious, spiteful piece of shi-

That was it.

Wilbur waited in the corner until Techno reluctantly left the small boy's side.

This was it.

No one could just take Techno away from him like that. Wilbur cracked his knuckle (his arm is still in a cast... don't ask me how he can play the guitar: it's fanfic magic).

Wilbur look large, confident strides towards the oblivious boy; this was going to be fun.

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