《Behavioural Tutor》7 // Nurse's Office


The three boys just stood there in silence for about five minutes. They were all lost in thought about what had happened just moments ago.

"Come on Will, I'd better take you to the nurse. It looks like a broken bone, so you'll probably be sent on to the hospital. Tommy... you'd better come as well. Your nose needs cleaning, but I'd say you're fine." Techno spoke in his usual monotone voice, sounding calm, but feeling quite the opposite.

"How can you be so nice to him, when he's fucking broken my arm!?" Wilbur's words were slow, and filled with pure hatred. He would not be forgetting this any time soon, and his arm hurt like hell.

"LANGUAGE!" A loud shout caused them all to jump. When they turned to face the cause of the noice, they were met with Phil and Bad's angry looking faces.

"Phil I-"

"Save it Techno. We saw it all. I'm not impressed." Phil stared at Techno. "I'm disappointed in you. Wilbur, you too. Tommy... I can't say I'm surprised, but I really expected better from you."

Seriously!? 'I can't say I'm surprised'. He really didn't have any hope in Tommy whatsoever... that hurt. That really hurt. What - did Phil just think he was some kind bad boy kid who just beat everyone up? I mean... yeah that's kinda what Tommy was... but he just wished Phil, or anyone, knew why. That he wasn't just some heartless bully. He wished someone would realise that he was the victim, not the culprit.

Bad offered to walk Wilbur to the nurse, which left Techno, Phil and Tommy by themselves

"Tommy - where did you learn to fight like that?" Techno broke the silence.

Tommy shrugged and stared to walk off.

"Whoah. Tommy hold up. That's a bad limp you've got there, I think you should see the nurse." Phil gently turned Tommy back around to face him and Techno.


"I'm fine, Phil. Let me go." Tommy had completely forgotten about his limp, and was not in the mood to be questioned by Phil.

"Did Will cause this limp in the fight?"



This caught Techno's attention. He had not seen Wilbur attack Tommy's legs during that fight, and he had been watching pretty carefully. Tommy could have just stepped on it funny, but he didn't find that very likely, considering how Tommy had planned out the whole fight. His moves were careful and rehearsed, so he wouldn't have done it to himself.

Now that you mention it, Tommy had a large cut across one of his arms, that he hadn't noticed yesterday. Tommy had a similar scrape going right the way down his leg (of course Techno could only see the bottom of it, because Tommy was wearing some very worn down jeans). He definitely didn't get those during the fight.

"I'm taking you to the nurse Tommy." Phil gently lead Tommy towards the school, leaving Techno alone with his thoughts.

Tommy thought about wriggling out of Phil's grasp, but decided against it, considering he actually wanted to go to the nurse. He just hated Phil controlling him like that.

It was a short walk to the nurse. Phil tried to strike conversation once or twice, but Tommy just shrugged, gave simple one word answers, or just strait up ignored Phil.

When they arrived, the nurse was just finishing up with Wilbur, telling him to head to the hospital. Once she was done, they were welcomed into her office.

She was very familiar with Tommy, as he was a regular patient.

"Hello Tommy! I assume you're here because of the fight with Wilbur? He just came in, with a messed up arm, and some very foul language directed at you." She laughed at this. "I thought you were doing so well with your streak, oh well!"


"Streak?" Phil couldn't help but question that word.

"Yeah, Tommy's got a record of two days without getting into a fight. But, the one with Wilbur just now ruined his streak. Still, it's his personal best, and I think you should be very proud!"

She gave Tommy a reassuring smile, as Phil pulled out his small notebook to write something down.

"Let's take a look at your injuries, Tommy. Wilbur looked pretty beaten up, but you seem to be okay."

"When am I not, Niki?" Tommy hopped up onto the bed, and swung his legs back and forth below him.

"Hmmmm, best if I don't answer that!" She said with a devious smile.

Niki worked fast. She put a small plaster over his nose, and disinfected all of his cuts.

"There ya go! Good as new."

"Thank you." Phil smiled warmly at her, before pulling Tommy out of the office and towards his classes.

"You're in the nurse's office a lot then, Tommy?" Phil raised an eyebrow at the small boy.

"I guess."

"Any particular reason?"

"I don't know."

"Do you get into a lot of fights?"

"I guess."

"What do you injure the most?"

"I don't know."

"So the nurse said something about a streak?"

"Why don't you just fuck off and leave me alone!? I don't need your shit in my life, so please just do us both a favour and stay the hell away from me!!" Tommy had clearly lost his temper from all the invasive questions.

"Tommy, you know I can't do that." Phil pinched the bridge of his nose, and steered Tommy towards the door of a classroom.

Tommy just crossed his arms and asserted his eyes on his feet. Phil tried to rest a hand on his shoulder, but Tommy just shrugged it off. The male sighed.


Tommy rolled his eyes. No. There was no way he was going to behave, especially after Phil had literally ordered him to do so like some useless dog.

Phil wasn't stupid. He saw Tommy roll his eyes, and could practically hear the word no being yelled in the small boy's mind. He sighed, before opening the door.

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