《Behavioural Tutor》3 // Morning Lessons


"Right, here we are Tommy," Phil said with a sigh as he let go of Tommy's wrist once he had successfully dragged the struggling boy to the door of his first class - Geometry. "We are 20 minutes late, so make sure to apologise to to your teacher as you go in." Phil gave Tommy a warning look as he said the last sentence. There was a moment of silence, before Tommy answered.

"FAT CHANCE!" He yelled as he slammed open the door and scowled at everyone in the room, before trudging to the back of the classroom and taking his usual back-row seat. "What are you all looking at?"

At this, everyone hurriedly averted their gaze back to the front of the class as an attempt to avoid Tommy's wrath. Phil pinched the bridge of his nose. Tommy was definitely not going to apologise.

"Sorry about that. I'm Philza, and I'm here to help Tommy with his behavioural issues." Phil introduced himself smiling at the teacher, before turning around and giving Tommy a death glare.

Tommy just rolled his eyes, and got out a notebook and pen. Of course, he wasn't actually going to do the work, he just wanted to look like he was so Phil wouldn't tell him off. Wait - he had been told off tones of times before: why did he care if Phil told him off? It was just the child leash... yeah. That was why he didn't want to anger Phil.

"Tommy," Phil snapped him out of his thoughts, "Tommy are you listening?" He asked as he took a seat next to the small boy.

No, of course he wasn't. Why would he? He already knew what was being taught. Tommy just rolled his eyes, and started doodling in his notebook, hoping it would look like notes to Phil.


The lesson went by agonisingly slowly. It felt like years since he had first sat down. By the time it was over, he had five pages full of mindless doodles.

The next classes consisted of pretty much the same thing. Tommy getting unwillingly dragged to it, disrupting the class and sitting at the back, Phil apologising for him and some random doodles instead of notes.

At the end of science, the lunch bell sounded. Tommy jumped up, and bashed his chair to the floor. "Stop doing that," Tommy rolled his eyes, and growled when Phil pinched both his wrists, again. "If I let go, will you behave?"

Tommy thought about lying, but decided that Phil probably had enough experience to recognise that he wasn't telling the truth. Phil took the silence as a no.

"Right then..." To be perfectly honest, Phil was quite taken back that Tommy hadn't tried to lie to him. "We're going to lunch, and it's not up for debate."

With that, Phil picked up both his own and Tommy's backpacks and guided the minor down the hallways, still firmly grasping both of Tommy's hands.

Once they arrived at the cafeteria, Phil reluctantly released Tommy's wrists. "Behave."

Of course, Tommy did the opposite. As soon as he got the chance, Tommy bolted. He sprinted away from Phil, not caring about how many students he pushed to get away.

Phil was rather surprised that Tommy ran. He hadn't struggled at all on the way there. He sighed, and broke into a jog after the boy. There was a rather convenient pathway between the crowds of people that hadn't yet been filled in after Tommy's shoving. Phil took that to his advantage and started gaining on Tommy.

Tommy worked his way through the crowds of people, looking for an escape. He didn't really know the cafeteria that well, as he preferred to avoid it wherever possible. It contained annoying crowds, and hurtful gossip, besides, Tommy never really felt like eating lunch.


He managed to make it to the large double doors on the other side of the cafeteria, but before he got the chance to go through them, Tommy fell to the ground and felt his hands being moved behind his back.

Phil was just two metres away from Tommy now, and he hadn't even broken a sweat. He leapt forward and tacked Tommy to the ground, pinning both of his hands behind his back.

"GET OFF ME!!" Tommy screeched. In one swift movement, he rolled over, taking Phil with him. Now, Tommy was on top of Phil, who currently looked rather shaken up. Tommy chuckled to himself: he was going to look a lot wore than that by the time he was done with him.

Tommy punched Phil in the nose, allowing a few drops of blood to drip down his face. Tommy then slapped his cheek, and pounded Phil's arm, and kicked his leg, punched his side and-

Tommy was thrown back and hit the cold, hard floor with a thud. He let out a small whimper of pain, that was inaudible to anyone other than himself.

A large, pink haired man towered over him. He looked about a year younger than Phil, despite being as tall as him. Long hair was tied in a low pony tail behind him, that swayed to the side slightly when he literally threw Tommy across the room. His face portrayed a scowl as he stared daggers into Tommy. He had glowing red eyes that sent chills down the younger's back.

"Did you just hurt Phil?"

"Yeah... so what man? Fuck off pinkie. Can't you see I'm busy?" Tommy jumped up and brushed himself off.

If the pink haired man wasn't angry before, he certainly was now.

The male grabbed Tommy's collar, and lifted him into the air. Tommy started frantically waving his legs around as an attempt to kick the man.

"Techno down." Phil's voice was calm and controlling.

The male sighed. "The name's technoblade; not pinkie." Techno waved his hand dismissively before dropping Tommy, who immediately scrambled to his feet.

"WHATEVER PINKIE!" Tommy yelled into his face.

Phil cursed under his breath, before dragging Tommy away. Techno was a kid Phil had helped in the past, and was definitely one of the more challenging cases. He thought Techno was sorted, but in less than five minutes Tommy was able to completely undermine all of his previous work. That hadn't happened before, and it couldn't happen again.

"Do not mess with Techno."

Tommy rolled his eyes, but didn't protest. He didn't fancy getting beaten up by that dude any time soon.

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