《Sitting Under a Torn Umbrella》Virgin Mother


You want to have a nuptial tie! How dare you are!

Do you have a lost memory? You are a virgin mother.

You gave birth to a nice baby, what a charming grace!

Always you behold her, having a smiling face.

Like you, baby's genesis is also in feminine gender,

Sadly she does not have a legal father.

She is a bastard, civil society fondly calls her,

In the eyes of society her mother deserves no character.

Virtually she claims to have a biological father,

Perhaps this poor baby knows the brazen faced character.

An imposter, in disguise of a good man,

Breaks a breach of promise of an innocent woman.

He is a man, society does not stamp him as an offender,

And makes ready to get married having ignored the first affair.

He is stainless, spotless and has every right to embrace a new life partner.

So why does the virgin mother sacrifice her right to have a wedding affair.

I want to ask a simple question to that imposter,

In case he also tied up with an aborted mother.

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