《Sitting Under a Torn Umbrella》Loveliness


Peace is strangled or suffocated by our hand,

Every day, every minute, every second.

Do we actually know about the existence of peace?

Do we want to have it's unique bliss?

No! we are not ready to embrace it,

At any cost or at any risk.

We do have faith in disorder,

To create a chaotic atmosphere.

He lives in a remote village or a metro city,

I do live in the civil society.

You do live in the heart of the town,

They live on footpath or under railway platform.

But we do bear same identity in character,

Irrespective of caste, creed or colour.

Peace brings to standstill if there is no affluence,

Happiness comes riding on the shoulder of abundance.

This is not a bad idea but an act of cleverness,

We need flood of money to enjoy full happiness.

Yes we do require wealth, fame and recognition,

But not for the cause of moral degradation.

Honesty, fraternity, sincerity,

Do not have any comparison with worldly property.

Peace remains alive in a peaceful atmosphere,

A genial climate bring happiness everywhere.

Abundance of wealth causes mental agony,

But a little peace gives you sweet company.

With a little hope of peace and little dream of happiness,

We may build a castle of love with profound loveliness.

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