《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Books and Teeth


You wake up to see Joji already getting ready, "That's right... Today we work with Robert...." you whisper. "You came early to the house yesterday, everything okay?" asked Joji. "Yeah...." you whisper. This Sunday you will marry Joji and it is barely Tuesday.

You get up and put your alien hoodie on. "You ready?" you ask Joji. "Yeah.... Working with Robert will be weird...." whispered Joji. "No! It will be fun!" you smile. You walk out and into the bathroom across the hallway. You wash your face quickly to become more awake.

You walk back out and follow Joji to the garage. "Don't you want breakfast?" you ask. "On the road." informs Joji. You get into the car and turn it on, "Where would you want to eat?" you ask. "Starbucks." answers Joji. You pull out of the drive way and start to drive to Robert's store, in hopes of a Starbucks along the way.

You see a Starbucks up head and try to get near it. You turn left and you are in the Starbucks parking lot. You go through the drive way and order two coffees with some cookies, "This is all?" you asked Joji. "Yeah, Robert said he will have donuts at the store." informs Joji. "Nice..." you smile.

You go back to the street and keep driving to Robert's Bookstore. You finally arrive and get out with your cookies and coffee. You walk in with a lot more people inside then your expected. You go behind the counter with Joji, "Take care of the place." winks Robert as he leaves. Joji takes a donuts box from under the counter.

"Want a chocolate one?" asked Joji. You laugh and take a donut and eat it with your coffee and cookies. You help people purchase their books and help find books. "So, will you find a job tomorrow?" you ask. "How many do you have?" asked Joji as he stuffed three books into a bag.

"I have four..." you answer. "I will have three then...." smiles Joji. "Like?" you ask. "I got a degree in a few other things then just Music..." informed Joji. "Good luck..." you whisper. "An accountant sounds funny..." smiles Joji. You roll your eyes.

You work for a few more hours until a guy comes into the store with a fancy suit. "Excuse me.... But is there a Joji here?" he asked. Joji smiles at the guy, "Hello, I work at Wells Fargo...." informs the man. "I need a few accountants... and I hear you are... Famous." smiles the man. Joji smiles, "I have a few good skills in being an accountant." smiles Joji.

The guy gives Joji as few papers, "If you could work Fridays and Thursdays. That would be perfect." smiles the man. "I can work those days actually!" encourages Joji. "You are the guy for the job." winks the man as he leaves the store. You look at Joji, "How did he find you?" you ask.


"Yesterday, Robert let me out early saying that I need to find a job. I gave that guy my information." explains Joji. "That's amazing!" you shout. "Plus, if you have someone famous, you have a few more customers." smiles Joji. You roll your eyes.

You phone starts to ring, "hello..." you answer. "Where is out invitation!" shouts Ellen, your mom. "I don't know... Lily is making them..." you answer. "You better make it soon with those Invitations or we will cancel it!" shouts Bob, your dad. You start to laugh, "We will make this wedding so small, you won't even find us." you smirk.

"Listen here!" shouts your mom but you hang up. "I am not listening..." you whisper.

Soon the store gets more customers at 3 but Robert is not here. "Where could he be?" you ask as you pack four books into a box. "Outside...Being depressed." answered Joji as he put two books into a bag. "Don't day that!" you frown as you scan the code on a book. "I am just saying the truth..." whispered Joji as he scanned a few codes. You roll your eyes.

"The store will soon close in 30 minutes!" you shout. The people start forming a long line or leaving the store. Joji and you work together to get the people out of the store and Robert comes in, "I am sorry!" he shouts as he helps the line become shorter.

Soon you are outside with Robert and Joji closing the store. "You guys did good today." smiles Robert. "Thanks..." you smile. "I can't wait til Sunday." smiles Robert. "I wanted to ask.. Can you walk me down the alley...?" you ask. Robert starts getting tears in his eyes, "I couldn't do that to your father..." cries Robert. "Actually... You can..." you whisper.

Robert thinks about it, "Fine... But you need to invite them..." orders Robert. "Lily can do that." you inform. "Okay..." whispered Robert. "You will!?" you ask. "Yes!" shouts Robert.


You go into the building and go to floor 3. "I don't remember working with teeth well..." you whisper. The elevator door opens and you walk in. "You have an office in the back." points the women sitting in the front desk. "Thanks.." you whisper and follow down the hall.

You walk in and look to see if you have appointments. "I have three!?" you shout. A person comes in, "Your first one is starting now..." informs a women. You get up and follow her to the room.

You see a little girl, "All you have to look for is for cavities or anything bad..." informs the women. You look through the girl's month and see two cavities. "oh...." you whisper. "Seems like everything is good." you smile. The women working with you frowns. "My I see the mother outside." you smile at the girl's mom.


You walk out with her, "Your daughter has two cavities..." you inform. The mom's face frowns, "She hasn't have tooth pain..." whispered the mom. "She must feel it but not tell you..." you explain. The mom nods her head. "I will like you to make an appointment to fix those..." you order. "On it!" shouts the mom.

You walk back into the room, "Here is your baggie... I added a toy." you smile. "Thank you." smiles the girl. "Here.... Have this cheese stick." you hand it to the girl. She just looks at it. "Can you eat it now, for me..." you beg. The girl smiles and takes a bite. "Ow!" she shouts. "Thought so..." you whisper.

"My mom can't know, I have tooth aches!" whines the girl. "She won't..." you lie. The girl gets out of the room. Your co-worker walks up, "You are good with kids..." she whispers. "I understand the feelings of almost having a cavity.. It's the worst.." you explain.

"Your next appointment will be in a few hours." informs the women as she leaves. "What can I call you?" you ask. "Zoe, would be great..." she smiles and leaves. You walk back to your office and sit for awhile.

You check your appointments for tomorrow and see that you have it with the same girl as today. "I will give a tooth filling..." you whisper. You see two other appointments. You exit out and go back to your own laptop to see that Lily wants pictures for a flip show.

You text Joji, "Your mom needs pictures and now..." you text him. You put your laptop down and pick up a book, "This will do while I wait..." you whisper. You read to chapter 10 in the book 5th Wave until Zoe came back, "second appointment." she smiles.

You follow her to the room and see a teenage boy. "He has braces and still has cavities! Explain!" shouted the mom. You face towards the boy and to his mom, "I would like to see him alone.... Zoe, show the mother where the coffee is." you wink. "This way." smiles Zoe.

"Okay kid, what's up?" you ask as you sit in the spinning chair. "I have to much candy during December... Nothing much!" he muttered. "Open up." you order. He opens his mouth and you see two cavities. "Look... When you have braces, you can't have candy." you laugh. "I know! Which makes it more tempting!" explains the boy.

"Well.... Now you are going to get a filling..." you frown. "What's so bad?" muttered the boy. "Filling don't make your teeth look nice.." you explain. "Would you like me to do it. or another dentist?" you ask. "You..."answered the boy. "Okay." you smile. "You are nice... You saved me from my mom..." smiles the boy. "You can even yell at your mom. Tell her coffee is bad for her teeth." you laugh.

The boy becomes serious, "Thank you so much!" he shouts. "No problem." you wink. "Did she drink coffee?" asked the boy. "No, water." you laugh. Zoe comes back with the mom, "He will have a filling tomorrow." you smile.

"Did he give you another excuse?!" shouted the mom."Fillings aren't the best.... But it will be better for your son." you smile. "Explain!" shouts the mom to her son. "Can you explain why you went for coffee when it is bad for your teeth?" you ask. The mom's eyes widen. "She had coffee and wanted to refill it..." informs Zoe.

"John... Let's go!" ordered the mom. "Thank you." smiles John as he leaves. "Your last appointment will be soon." informs Zoe. You smile and go out the room to your office. You get to chapter 15 and Zoe comes to get you.

You walk into the room to see Joji, "Joji?!" you shout. "May I get a different dentist..." begs Joji. Zoe laughs, "You know him?" she asked. "This is my boyfriend... Soon to be husband..." you laugh. Zoe's eyes widen, "Nice..." she whispers.

You check his mouth, "You actually have nice teeth..." you whisper. "Can I leave now?" asked Joji. "Hold on, you have food here..." you whisper. You grab a tool and pick the food from his teeth. "You need to make another appointment in another 6 months." you inform. "Got it!" shouts Joji as he gets up. "See ya!" he shouts.

Zoe looks at you, "That's all for today. You can go an live your life." smiles Zoe. "I know." you laugh. "See you tomorrow." you smile and leave to your office again.

You stuff papers and books into your backpack and start to leave. Zoe meets you in the elevator. "Today was a good day..."she whisper. "It was." you smile. "Look... I want to be your Co-workers from now on... You need to sign this paper." she begs. You grab it, "Just need to sign it?" you ask. "Yes!" answers Zoe.

You sign your name and give it back, "Thanks!" she smiles. You make it to floor one and walk out, "Need to go turn this in. See you tomorrow!" she smiles as the door closes. You turn to see Joji. "hey!" he smiles. You walk with him to your car. "Ian dropped you off?" you ask. "Yup!" laughs Joji. "You can't drive for shit." you add on and laugh.

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