《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Lab


You walk into the building for your first day in the lab. You get into the elevator and press the number to go to floor 5. Right when you arrive two men are standing there watching you with a gun by their sides. You smile and show them your card. They let you go through the door to see a lot of other rooms. "What..." you whisper.

"You must be new." smiles a young lady in a doctor's coat. "Yes... "you answer. "You get your own office to work in." she smiles. You look around for your name. "Unless you are new... Then you must use the old crappy lab with the other new workers. Here, let me show you." smiles the lady as she walks you into what looks like a meeting room filled with medicine and graphs everywhere. "Good luck..." she whispers and leaves.

You look up to see three guys and two girls. "We are nowhere close!" shouts the girl with blonde hair, you look at her card to read Susan. You walk to them. "Close to what?" you ask. "We can find the formula for this new medicine to cure your from a headache." answers the guy with black hair, named Dave. "Why?" you hold in your laughter. "The other medicines don't work as fast. It takes an hour or so... This... This will cure you in 10 seconds!" laughed the guy with brown hair, Johnson.

"Can we work on our own things?" you ask. "Of course... But we are going to leave this room together." smiles the guy with blonde hair, Ken. (Yes the doll) "I am going over there..." you inform. You walk to a table with a few medicines. "Aren't you a good doctor?" asked Susan. "Yes..." you whisper as you pick up some papers from the floor but when you do it's stuck to some gum and doesn't let go.

You put the papers back down and see Ken in front of you, "Then why don't you have your own office?" he asked. "Dr. Howell hates me.." you whisper. "What did you do?" laughed Dave. You hold in your anger. "I cure Cancer before her." you answer. Their jaws drop to the floor. "So... If you don't mind... This place needs some cleaning to do and I am going to do that." you smile as you walk out of the room.


You see no one outside. You look in through the window of some of the offices to see that people don't come out for nothing. You roll your eyes and walk to the cleaning room. You open it and find a broom, mop, towels and a spray bottle. You grab them and turn to your left to see Dave and Ken. "That place does need some cleaning.." smiles Dave.

You hand Dave the mop and Ken the broom. "We are sorry... WE are pissed that, whatever we do... We can't find a headache pill better then the other ones..." confessed Ken. "It's okay.... But at least clean the room once in a while..." you laugh. "We came here and it was like that.... We expected someone to come and clean... But then sooner or later no one came... No one even comes out of their room..." explained Dave.

"You are telling me... That, the piece of gun that was stuck to those papers.... Wasn't recent?" you ask. "No... I put that gum there..." confessed Ken. You start to laugh. "Look, we just need more lights, better curtains, some cleaning and you will see the magic." you smile. "Than let's get to it." smiles Dave.

You get back into the room to agree with everyone to make there part. You finish your side of the room and turn to see the rest on chairs... Sleeping. "Wake up!" You shout. "What happened?!" shouted Dave. "You guys are no help... So... This side of the room will be for me... Since you guys are more interested in finding a pill for headaches which by the way, has already been created." you snap.

"Those pills only work after an hour or so." laughs Susan. "Yeah, that's not what Canada said." you hiss. "Canada already the pill?" asked Dave. "If you presented that to Howell. She would of had laughed." you explain. They look at the floor, "You know... I came thinking... It was going to be a huge room where everyone looks together.... I was wrong..." you whisper. "You weren't the only one... We came here together and wanted to be together.... Our dreams got crushed by Howell and got dumped here..." whispered Dave.


"Howell is mean..." you whisper. "We know...." they all mutter. You start to laugh, "Look, you guys can work on your own. I will work by myself." you smile and walk to a desk. You get out some papers and work on them. You then hear a crash. You look up to see Ken and a broken table under his butt.

"What did you do? That might cost us some money of our pay checks!" shouted Dave. You shake your head, "I will be back... Need some supplies..." you whisper and leave the room. You walk out and follow the signs to the Diabetes supplies room. You grab a few things and walk back to the room.

Dr.Howell is in there, "So, Ken, you broke the table?" asked Dr.Howell. "Yes..." answered Ken. "How?" asked Dr.Howell. "I sat on it and kind of jumped..." explains Ken. Dr.Howell laughs, "Well.... This is going to be counted off of your pay checks..." smiles Dr.Howell as she leaves.

"The supplies are good." winks Dr.Howell. You roll your eyes and go to your seat. You take out a phone case that you worked on and put together a few supplies. "Finished..." you whisper. You get up and put your stuff back into your backpack. "Where are you going?" asked Dave. "To get my own office." you smile.

You walk to Dr.Howell's room and knock. "What?" shouts Howell. "I have something to show!" you explain. "Come in..." Dr.Howell shouts. You walk into the room and close the door behind you.

"What would you have to show me." smirks Howell. You put the phone like machine down and sit, "This tracks the blood sugar BUT.... You don't have to poke yourself." you smile. "What?" asked Howell. "Right now, I have this shot in my arm. You show Howell. It's a small white plastic square but it has a needle inside you to test your sugar.

"It's checks your blood sugar without a shot to the finger. You bring out an energy bar and eat it, the line on the phone like machine goes up but goes back down due to you having insulin inside your body. "See...." you smile. "How much?" asked Howell. "What?" you ask. "I need credit... How much?" asked Howell. "No.... No money... I will take the money from the people who buy it... You didn't help... YOU don't get credit." you frown.

"Look, being your boss means I get at least 5% credit of your work." informs Howell. "Fine! only 5%!" you shout. "Fair enough." smiles Howell. You get up, "Where is my office?" you ask. "Follow me..." ordered Howell.

You follow her down a few halls until you get to the last door, "This is the last room until the 6th floor can be finished until then, this will be your room." explains Howell. "Fine by me..." you whisper. "You can do anything to it." adds Howell.

She opens the door and it isn't big like the other offices but it will do like Dr.Howell said. There is only three windows with one table and chair. "We want the workers to bring their own laptops." smiles Howell. "Sounds like no problem..." you whisper. "You can go home though, you did one project that will be useful." smiles Howell. "Don't I get a key to lock the room?" you ask. Howell gives you a key, "Good luck in working here." she smiles.

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