《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Escape


You wake up to hear people moving around the house. Someone knocks on the door, "Joji... Someone is at the door." you inform him. "I don't want to do anything today..." whispered Joji. You roll your eyes, "Drinking at night isn't going to be allowed for you any time soon..." you laugh.

"Coming!" you shout to the door. You open it ti see Ella. "You won't mind going to the airport and picking up Lily and Carson.... right?" asked Ella. "Not at all, let me just get ready." you smile and close the door. "Your parents are here." you announces. Joji sits up quickly that is scares Frank off the bed.

"In the house?" he asked. "No... They are about to land in the airport..." you correct him. "I need to shower and get ready..." shouted Joji as he looked around the closet for some clothes. You laugh, "I will go pick them up...You try and look your best." you inform. "I already look my best." smiles Joji. You roll your eyes. "Look better then." you laugh. Joji rolls his eyes this time.

You walk out to the garage and get into your BMW. You soon get a call, "(Y/N) where are you?" asked your mom. Your eyes widen, "Why would you want to know that?" you ask. "You are my daughter... Are you in New York?" asked your mom. "No... In Japan..." you lie. "WE can go over there!" shouted your mom.

"Ever heard of letting me be?" you ask. Soon you get a call from Lily. "Mom, I need to go meet some friends. See you." you hang up the phone call and answer Lily. "Are you here?" asked Lily. "Not even close." you laugh. "Okay, we are hungry. What do you recommend?" asked Lily. "Get some cinnamon rolls with coffee." you laugh. "That sounds good..." you hear Lily. "I was kicking, McDonald might have pancakes to eat." you inform.


"That sounds good too... We might get both... See you soon sweetie." Lily hangs up. You put the phone down and start to drive. You get to the airport and park. You get out of the car to see your parents leaving the airport. Your dad has a red face while your mom has red eyes.

"Why can't she come home!" shouted your dad. "I miss her Bob..." whispered your mom. You duck to get out of their sight, "They live in Colorado springs.... not in Denver... Why are they here?" you mutter.

They come close and you put your hood on. You run to the airport. You walk to the food court, "At least they aren't in here, when I am..." you whisper. You get to the food court and see Lily laughing while Carson talking. "That's how I want my parents to be... " you whisper. You sit next to Lily.

"Hey, sweetie." smiles Lily. You hug her and shake Bob's hand. "Are you guys ready to go?" you ask. "Let me finish my pancakes." smiles Lily. "Did you know, you can slap a pancake onto your face and be funny?" asked Carson. "Excuse me?" you ask.

Carson puts a pancake on top of his face. Creates a smile by eating away the pancake. You laugh weakly, "You should use the blueberries are eyes." you suggest. "If only that would stick." frowns Li;y. "We tried, they kept falling off..." adds Carson. "They whole point is for the blueberries to stick..." you mutter. "That what we said!" laughed Lily and Carson. you smile while you get a call.

"Look to your right Miss. I am in Japan!" ordered your mom. You look to Lily who is to your left. "My mom is behind me... Isn't she?" you ask. "She is a few feet away..." informed Carson. "I am going to hug you and you scream as if I was your mom." smiles Lily. She pulls you into a tight hug. "We missed you girly! Was Florida fun!" shouted Carson. "You need to stay here for the next few years!" added Lily. "Mom!" you shout while laughing.


"She doesn't recognize us hopefully.." whispers Lily. "I will go dump the food. You girls run to the bathroom or somewhere." ordered Carson. You put your phone away and grab Lily's hand as she walks in to the cinnamon rolls stand. "We brought you one but maybe it will have to wait until the car." laughed Lily.

Carson comes back, "let's go." he orders. You phone rings again. You search for it and answer but it looks like you hanged up your phone. You hear your mom screaming but she stops when she thinks that it isn't you. You then hang up the phone for sure this time and walk to the car with Lily and Carson.

That's when your dad's car pulls up but he gets on his phone right away. You put on your hood. "Good idea." smiles Lily. you smile too and you get out your keys and climb into the car.

You lean into the seat. Carson and Lily high five, "Woohoo! we did it!" they shout. You laugh and start the car. "Thank you." you smile. "No problem!" shouts Lily. You start the car and don't wait for anything else and drive away.

"Your mom can yell." laughed Carson. "Can't Lily?" you ask. "She hits. Not yells. If this was Joji ignore her, she would of had hit the stranger if she thought it was Joji." laughs Carson. "no son of my is going to escape." she winks. You laugh. Soon you get to the mansion. "It's huge..." whispers Carson.

You laugh and look into the mirror to see a car that looks like your dad's. "Did they follow us?" you ask. Carson looks back, "I think they did..." whispered Carson. You go into the garage. "They might not think it's me after seeing this mansion." You laugh. "That's a good idea..." whispered Lily as she got out of the car.

The garage doors closes and you get out of the car too.

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