《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Second Take


You drive back home. You park the car in the garage and get into the house. Joji is in a suit and tie, "Take two." he smiles. You laugh with him. "Give it your best." you smile.

He gets onto his knees and holds your hands, "I can't say the same thing over again because that would be bad. So! When you were in the hospital, I was really hoping it was nothing serious. just a stupid flu, because if I lost you in that death bed... I won't love myself... I could not see my future... The thing that went through my head actually was... I hope she doesn't close her eyes... I hope that she gets up and is able to be my wife... You worry me to death sometimes." laughs Joji.

"But when you are okay and by my side... I see a future ahead... A successful one too... Not the failure one..." smiles Joji. "So... Be my wife?" asked Joji. You laugh, "That was worst then the first one" you laugh. "But! Yes... I do want to be your wife.." you laugh.

You turn around to see Katt, "Want to ask me anything?!" she smiles huge. "Have you whiten your teeth because your teeth look super white." you laugh. "Thank you for noticing," smiles Katt, "But no! you need to ask me a super duper important question!" shouted Katt. You laugh, "I want Lily to be my maid of honor...." you confess. Katt's jaw drops to the floor.

"You did not just say that!" shouted Katt. You smile weakly, "Lily and me have had an important conversation... That made me see that she deserves to be my maid of honor..." you smile. "Fine... Can I be your bridesmaid... then?" asked Katt. You hug her, "Yes." you answer.


"You really want my mother, Lily! To be your maid of honor... When she is going to make this wedding the biggest it can be?" asked Joji. You think about it, "Yes..." you answer. "Biggest mistake." smiles Joji as he pats your back. You roll your eyes.

You go upstairs to unpack your suitcase and backpack. You put your shirts and jeans away. Joji walks in, "Have something to tell me?" asked Joji. "Like what?" you ask confused. "Why did you go out?" asked Joji. "I wanted to be alone... Then... I thought, it would be good to go find a job..." You start to smile, "You are looking at a scientist, Dentist and caretaker." you smile. Joji's jaw drops, "Are you serious?!" shouted Joji.

He runs up to you and picks you up. "I start Monday." you smile. Joji laughs, "That great!" he shouts. "We are already getting to a good year!" shouted Joji. You smile big. "Someone from my past remembered me..." You whisper. "so?" asked Joji. "You did a YouTube Channel, at this point the people in your past might be looking at the screen and screaming, I knew her!" laughed Joji. You laugh with him. "You are right..." you whisper.

Someone knocks on the door. It soon opens to see Max and Ian "I have read comments on the new proposal video..." informed Max. "Let's do a Boyfriend... Girlfriend video." adds Ian. Joji looks at you, he takes a deep breathe in, "Let's do a video..." whispered Joji. You laugh, "I don't have my camera set up." you inform. "You do now." smiles Chad as he comes in.

You and Joji follow the boys to your new office. "You can study here about your new job and also do nice YouTube videos!" shouts Max as he opens the door. The walls are colored in your favorite color so there doesn't have to be a green screen. Your Jaw drops.


"It has a couch so when you just want to sit and talk with the camera instead of gaming!" explains Ian. "A closet filled with props, clothes, supplies for Do It Yourself videos and many more!" adds Chad. Katt pops out from behind the desk, "A professional desk with good tech computers to do anything on!" smiles Katt.

Max takes out a camera from the closet, "And beautiful cameras waiting to be used." winks Max. You look around the room, "Thanks guys..." you smile. "Now! Let's get to the video!" shouted Max.

You and Joji sit on the couch while Chad and Ian get the lights ready. Max is waiting behind the camera to press play. Katt brings you phone, "We started a hashtag for the fans to ask question on your relationship." winks Katt. You check twitter to see a lot of question. Joji does the same with his phone. Katt and Ella bring in wiped cream pies. "That rugs under the couch will have to be replaced." laughs Ella.

"For every answer wrong, you get to pie your significant other!" explains Max. "The end will just be a simple answers questions about the relationship." adds Katt. You look at Joji, "You are going down!!" you shout. "I agree..." whispered Joji. You frown, "You better remember my birthday..." you warn. "It's in October!" mocks Joji. You roll your eyes.

"Oh! and remember Coconutowl! Don't use that cringe outro." laughed Max. "I wasn't planning to.." you whisper. "Also! Who do you want this video to be edit by?" asked Chad. "By me of course..." you answer. "Ian it is!" shouts Chad. You roll your eyes. "I am too tired to edit... You can do it." smiles Ian. "Thank you!" you shout.

"Playing in one, two three!" shouts Max. "Hey there! My name is Coconutowl and I am here with Joji my boyfriend to do a boyfriend and girlfriend video!" you smile. "Even though we are like the greatest best friend no this world." you add on. Joji laughs, "my best friend is Getter. Suh dude!" informs Joji. You frown. "What the hell! I thought I was your best friend cunt!" shouted Ian. "Family friendly..." you hiss. "Since when?!" shouted everyone.

You sit there, "Can I continue my video?" you ask. "Fine!" shouted everyone. "We are cutting this out!" you shout.

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