《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Caretaker


You lay in bed with Joji, "King size bed is the best upgrade." you smile. Joji laughs, "You got that right!" shouts Joji. It is morning time, soon everyone will be downstairs waiting for Joji to make a proposal again. "Under the fireworks was better..." you whisper. "Everything is better under the fireworks. Someone dies under the fireworks and everyone is celebrating instead of crying." laughs Joji. You shake your head and laugh.

Frank jumps into bed with you and Joji. "Come here boy!" you shout. "Let;s talk about what happened yesterday..." whispered Joji. "The only thing I want to talk about is why you didn't tell me about the condom." you muttered. "Because that was going to be your only reaction." pointed Joji. You roll your eyes. "Let's promise to not hide anymore secrets like that." you groan. "Fine..." promised Joji.

"Let's go downstairs to get the proposal over with." you smile. "Of course... When you promise to have a kid." smiles Joji. You get out of bed and walk to the door, "Let's talk about that tonight." you smile. You try to open the door but it doesn't work. "What the?" you whisper.

"We are out here!" shouted Ian. You turn to Joji, "You did not lock me in here until I promise that!" you shout. "I just... did." smiles Joji. Your jaw drops to the floor. "Promise!" shouted the whole gang outside. You roll your eyes. "I will agree to anything but that!" you shout. "okay... Listen to this offer then." orders Joji. "I am..." you groan. "We get married...When year year ends... We will see if we want a child or nothing... More specific... Let's see if you want a child." offers Joji. You breathe in, "Fine.... I agree and promise to that offer." you smile.


"Open the door guys!" orders Joji. You open the door to see everyone smiling. "You guys are the worst..." you mutter. "Let's go downstairs and eat!" shouts Lily. You follow everyone down, "that wasn't fair... I will make it up to you... I promise." smiles Joji. "You better.." you frown.

You sit down and eat pancakes. "I am going to go out..." you whisper and get up. "Look what we did this morning... We are sorry." frowns Ian. "I just want time alone... Joji take care of Frank and don't give him anything to eat other then DOG food." you smile. "You got it." winks Joji. You go upstairs and change.

You back downstairs to see everyone still eating. You go to the garage and get into your red BMW. You start the car and drive. You soon find yourself in the hospital you want to walk at. "Please... Let me get a job here..." you whisper. "I wish there was a wishing star that would pass.." you laugh to yourself. You get out of the car to see Ms.Howell. You take a gulp and walk up to her.

"Dr. Howell!" you shout. She turns around and laughs, "I thought you won't crawl back." smiles Ms. Howell. "See your husband has crawled back. Oh! wait, you never had one..." you whisper under your breathe. "Sorry about what happened last time... That wasn't mature of me." you apologize.

"I am sorry too... I pushed you pass your limits..." whispered Ms.Howell. "I just want a job back here." you inform. "We need someone like you here... Come into my office to see what jobs are offered." smiles Dr. Howell. You smile and follow her into the building. You take one last look at the sky, "Maybe a Wishing star did pass by..." you whisper.


You sit in front of Ms. Howell. "There are a lot of jobs here but... This jobs sound like something you can do." smiles Mrs.Howell. "You can be in the lab with some doctors curing diabetes. You can also be the doctors who trying to observe kids to see if they have diabetes or you can be a simple doctor that checks up on kids." informs Dr. Howell.

The shooting star failed. You frown, "They all sound like good jobs but nothing that I want to do..." you whisper. "Well, since last time you kind you cured enough cancer patients." informs Dr.Howell. You mess around with your phone in your hands, "Any other jobs?" you ask. Howell goes back to looking for some.

"Look, this is baby caretaker." informs Howell. Your eyes widen. "You also have a degree in being a dentist right?" asked Howell. You relax. "Can I have more then one job?" you ask. "Sure, as long as you have time." smiles Howell. "I have a lot of time in this world." you lie. "So, what would you like?" asked Howell. "I will work with the other scientist in the lab to sure illness... I will also be a dentist... Also... I will be a baby caretaker." you smile. "Sounds like a plan. On Monday you will be a scientist. Wednesday and Thursdays we will have you as a dentist and for caretaker of babies, will be on Fridays." smiles Howell.

You smile, "Now... How much money will that be in total?" you smile. Howell leans into your ear and whispers a number you can't exactly repeat. You jaw drops to the ground. "You start on Monday." smiles Howell. "Sounds good." you smile. "Go to the front desk show them this." Howell gives you a paper. "They will take your picture, give you a card and you can come on Monday to start the job." orders Howell.

You walk out to the front desk and give the lady the paper, "Wait! (Y/F/N) from Samuels Elemantary?!" asked the desk lady. "Yes.... Why?" you ask. "I went to that school with you! Kimberly!" shouted the girl. You don't remember her, "Look... Can you just take my picture and get this over with." you smile weakly. "But we have so much to talk about! You became so rich and famous!" shouted Kimberly.

"I just want the picture..." you whisper. The girl frowns, "Fine..." She takes out a camera, "Say! Cheese!" she shouts with a smile. You roll your eyes and smile. She takes the picture, "It will take a few minutes to come out, meanwhile let's talk!" shouted Kimberly. The card comes out of the machine, "The card is already out..." you whisper. "Getting married!" shouted Kimberly.

You jump over the desk to the machine and take the card, "Thank you!" you shout and jump back over the desk and leave, "See you soon!" Kimberly shouts. "Note, run pass the desk when coming in." you whisper.

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